Help Needed! Lady Franny has a rash


New member
Jan 21, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Lady Francis
Hi All,
I am new to this website, but wow what a wealth of knowledge on here! So I am here to pick your brains. I have a Bully girl who is 9 months old and within the last 3 months has developed a rash that is on the back of here neck, a spot on her foot, and a spot on her back. It stays pink in color, but she is now experiencing some hair loss in these areas. They don't seem to bother her much, I don't ever see her trying to get at them. I have a vet in town that we have used since I got her, and believe me we are frequent flyers as I am always worried about my little girl (Thank god for pet insurance!). The vet is younger and seems to be relatively inexperienced. She did a skin scraping 3 months ago, and stated that it is normal for dogs to have a certain amount of "skin mites" on there skin, but she thinks she may have more than normal. So she started her on "Ivermectin/Ivomec." Have any of you used this? My dog HATES IT!!! She runs from me every time I reach for that drawer. Then I have to chase her down and squirt this liquid in her mouth, at which point she starts coughing, and drooling excessively to get the horrible taste out of her mouth. I am pretty sure she ends up spitting a lot of it out. I have tried to give her treats directly after, but she will have none of it! I tried mixing it in yogurt, icecream, and even frosting (I know last ditch effort) She smells it and knows instantly its there and wont touch it. So I took her back to the vet and yes rash is still there 3 weeks later. I tell the vet she will not take this, she says well she has to. Ok so we give it another go, 3 more weeks of torturing my sweet girl, and still rash is still there. We take her back and vet says "well keep giving it to her." :bitching:
Ok well thats all fine and great but its obviously not working and it may be because she spits it out, I am really not sure. I am not convinced this is the real issue. Should I get a second opinion? Do you think it could be the food? (She eats Taste of the Wild-Grain free food). I just dont know what to do, but I dont want to give her that horrible medication anymore.
Hi [MENTION=7916]kristinaphd[/MENTION] and :smileywelcome: to EBN I am sure there will be some people who will respond with more knowledge than I but first question is what type of protein TOTW is your pup on? Bullies tend to have a lot of allergies especially poultry and food is a big factor could be a yeast infection. Also you might want to get a medicated shampoos such as Duoxo Shampoo Depending on where you live get a second opinion from a Vet familiar with the bully breed. Here is a link to a list of vets Veterinarian Recommendations. It is normal for puppies to have mites and a condition call demodetic mange to occur I believe this can be controlled by diet and medicated shampoo. Good luck and keep us updated on your pups condition and POST lots of PICTURES :D
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Welcome to the site, and sorry your bully is having problems. A pic would help to maybe see what it is, and I think I'd look for another vet, maybe one who is familiar with bullies.
She certainly seems very inexperienced. You may want to search the site for mange, There are many other treatment options besides ivermectin. I have never had a case of mange so I don't have first-hand experience, but there are lots and lots of topics here on the forum regarding this.

Welcome to the forum, I sure hope we can help your baby get better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk :)
[MENTION=7916]kristinaphd[/MENTION] :smileywelcome: to EBN you have come to a very good place when it comes to our bulldogs. It would be very helpful if you could post a picture, in the meantime I will pm you a site to check out
Thanks for the information. I will post pics when I get home today. After looking at the website that you emailed it really looks a lot like "Allergic Dermatitis" and nothing like Mange at all. I believe you are correct in that I need a new Vet. I will check out those websites and pick one more appropriate. In the meantime I will defintely be trying the shampoo that is recommended, I did not consider that this may be causing it. I am using Venison TOTW, I have tried other kinds but tends cause oh so much gas! Great recommendations. Thanks!
Hmm sounds like what Otis has and he was diagnosed with mange last week - we too are doing the ivermectin - my husband gets out the broccoli and feeds, feeds, feeds and then wham, pops t eh syringe in his mouth while he's chewing on a piece of broccoli - Otis hates it - it's a two person job to give the meds. He usually spits out the broccoli thats in his mouth at the time (which holds alot of the medicane) we then give him fresh broccoli and after a few bites give him back the one with medicine on it.

Today will be day 7 just hoping our luck continues with him taking it as good as he has. The red spot on his shoulder is now gone, hoping his hair grows back.

Good luck! Let me know if you get a second opinion.
I am attempting to post a picture of Frannys neck.


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Another picture


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Hope these pictures help. They have stayed the same since the start of Ivermectin.
How is Lady Franny doing?

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