Just for fun .... how many dogs is too many??

I think it all depends on the owner and what they can handle, financially, physically and emotionally. There are 4 dogs in my house but I take care of the my boyfriend's 2 dogs 4 or 5 days a week while he travels. So, with the average number at 6, it simply means a little more time picking up poop, sweeping up dog hair and vacuuming an extra day. They are all really well behaved, get along 98% of the time and make me laugh constantly. I do agree that they all need one on one "alone time" so I try to do that on a daily basis. Poor Zen, my english bully, usually gets the most "go lay downs" simply because he is the largest, by far. I normally take him to run errands with me, since he loves riding in the car and all the attention he gets at the stores and stops, as he gets to go inside with me. As long as the home isn't dirty, smelly, filled with germs and dogs that are neglected, I think the number depends on the person and what they can deal with.
I agree!!! I have lots, I love them all and all of them are healthy clean free to run around in the house and outside big fenced yard. They are happy and each get the love and cuddles needed!! I even have a deaf puppy! She is the best thing that has happened to us, learning so much! I have paid for bullies I bought and paid for much needed surgeries, and health care!!! SO right now our house has a no vacancy sign up. but wait until we move and get our big building and kennels I will try to rescue all bullies!!! :)
in my town, you are actually not allowed to have more than 3. We've never had more than two..and I would prefer to only have one..but, I got out-voted and we got Chester :)
Wow Many is Too many!!! How much money do you make is the better Question!!!! I have 5 dogs. 3 bulldog and 2 APBT....as long as you can provide a happy heathy home there is no limit to me!!:bully:
I'm at a weight limit cap...
I have Ms. Piggy my little bully @ 45 pounds
Gabe, my mastiff/anatolian shepherd @ 230 pounds
and Bella, another mastiff @ 186 pounds

Three is a happy number for me.

WOW ... if I apply that theory and go for the weight limit ........ well I could probably adopt at least another 4 english bulldogs!!! Yay .... ;)
Just kidding. Um, yeah. 2 is too many. Especially when they are named Orion and Vegas.

I've watched your videos of Vegas and Orion .......... and then dragged my husband over to the computer to watch them too. They are just both SO funny!!!! So yes, maybe if I had your two then just the two would be enough. By the way, I paticularly LOVE the video of Orion having a time out and there is Vegas sat on top of her cage!!! Hilarious!!! :D
I agree with everyone else on this one. It definitely depends on the person, size of house, etc. Personally, I have 3 dogs right now -- 1 newfoundland and 2 pugs. We are in the process of trying to buy a large piece of land (10 acres) so my kids and furry kids will have lots of room. As I have mentioned on other threads, my grandmother frequently comments that I would probably have a pug and english bulldog farm if I could! You know what? She is right! Seriously though, I look forward to someday (hopefully soon) finding an english bulldog to add to my family. :D
I agree with everyone else on this one. It definitely depends on the person, size of house, etc. Personally, I have 3 dogs right now -- 1 newfoundland and 2 pugs. We are in the process of trying to buy a large piece of land (10 acres) so my kids and furry kids will have lots of room. As I have mentioned on other threads, my grandmother frequently comments that I would probably have a pug and english bulldog farm if I could! You know what? She is right! Seriously though, I look forward to someday (hopefully soon) finding an english bulldog to add to my family. :D

Hope so too! Would luv to see pics of your other fur-kids too :)
I have three now. My husband's St Bernard, Gertie and Ida are my baby bullies. With both of them just 3 months and being potty trained and all, I won't want anymore any time soon! But who knows what I'll think a year from now? I love dogs, the more the merrier!
I dont think there is a limit of too many as long as you can care && love them all! We currently have 2 dogs, a kitty, & a fish! haha! We're looking into our 3rd doggie! :p
But it's true some people think after 2 or 3 you have to many.. but hey who are they to judge && say its too many?!? I think 5 is a perfect number! :D

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