It's official!!! Duchess getting a brother

[MENTION=8699]GoldenRod[/MENTION], yes, I know a couple, I will pm you.
How exciting and scary at the same time (importing that is). How does the whole process work on getting the bully over here to the States? I'll contact John-Kevin ( [MENTION=3281]BiggieSmalls[/MENTION] ) via FB and see if add his advice. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your new guy. :clap:
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Awesome news!! It's great that you know the importance of training them. If you need help housetraining, we have had alot of success doing it very quickly with all of our dogs so far. I can share some life saving tips with you. Make sure you show us that puppy!!! As far as showing, make sure you have alot of fun and focus on the positive aspects of showing only. It can be very political but remember that the important part is to have fun! :) I'm so excited for you! I will try to get you links to sites where you can sign up for AKC shows online. Good luck with your new pup!! :)
Well all I can say is good luck. There are excellent breeders right here in the USA that has some awesome bullies, and you don't have to worry about being scammed. I know several that are fairly close to you.

There definately are good and reputable breeder in the states, but I wanted different bloodlines than are currently here!
[MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] I'm sure you can respect that. I mean half our dogs on this site are cousins!!
One of the couples who lives here in Milwaukee that we have met at meet ups shows her youngest Chuy. She joined the Milwaukee Bulldog Club (not actually based in Milwaukee from what I've observed) She's also a member here at EBN but not very active. We have been to a couple of their "fun days". But wouldn't ever consider getting into showing ourselves so haven't joined the club, because that is primarily what they seem geared to.

Also [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] can give you some pointers I'm thinking. :)
Well awesome, I know you are excited and anxious as well. As far as the pissed off consumer report, well that can happen to the best no matter what the arena of expertise. You can't please all the people all the time. But obviously you did your research and feel confident. All the luck and may all go well with the transport here and all safe and sound
How exciting and scary at the same time (importing that is). How does the whole process work on getting the bully over here to the States? I'll contact John-Kevin ( @BiggieSmalls ) via FB and see if add his advice. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your new guy. :clap:

There are pet transport companies that transport pets. He will do part of the trip by ground, rest in Germany one night where he is fed and let out of crate, then fly from Germany to Chicago. It's safe, just think people move internationally all the time, they don't just give away their pets they transport them.
Oh ya it is also possible to get scammed right here in the states, actually happens to people more often here than abroad! People in states think being local it's not a scam, where as abroad your guard is automatically up since its international! Food for thought
[MENTION=6209]Scueva[/MENTION], I only upload pics from my iPhone and iPad (well 99% of them). It's super easy. To upload, there is a square frame picture icon (3rd from the right where you do your posts). Just click on that and choose "from computer" and then select "choose file" and attach your pic. After you do that, right under the "choose file" is the "upload file(s)". That's all there is to it. Looking very forward to Duke's journey and seeing his pics. :)
What kind of transportation options are their from Hungary? Scueva, as I would be very frightened of air travel…

Fortunately, there are pet transportation services that pride themselves on care and caution. I would bet that most "accidents" happen when people try to fly any animal on the cheap. Now they operate like Concierge Services; meeting and exceeding every whim of the shipper. Some even have private "pet only" jets!

For a time -- some years ago now -- I was considering a move to South Africa. With two parrots and a cat, I'd started the research required to get them there safely. There's a long quarantine -- which sucks -- and ultimately, I chose not to up-root my entire life for "love". *Gag*
Last picture is the sire who is a champion in 8 countries. Pup is 10.5 weeks old in pics. [MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION] wow that was easy thanks

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