It is so nice to get up in the morning and have some "me" time


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
While Vegas is quite content and having sweet dreams.

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Make the most of it while u can x
He looks schmooshy al scrunched up :heart:
I kiss for that smooshy face! :loveeyes::loveeyes: our house it is often the noisiest. Orion has usually slept the whole night and is ready for trouble. Usually she has a whole batch of naughty ready to go. So, we decided to send Orion to the OTHER Vegas. Are you ready? This is just a 2 minute dose of what you are in for.
Oh such a sweet sleepy pic! I was also looking forward to a calm, peaceful morning. My baby granddaughter has been sick all week and was here, instead of at her sitter (who was also sick). So every morning has been a zoo, trying to get dogs outside to potty and fed while Marlie screamed. Ugh! Sick babies are the worst! So I got up and this-morning and before I even started down the stairs I could smell :poo: Everybody went outside one last time right before bed, so I was figuring one of the girls had gone in their crate. :angry: But I get down here and it was Arrow!! Who needs a puppy when he does this! He's 3 1/2 and last night he :poo: all over the dining room carpet, AND :poo: and left a small lake of pee in the kitchen! (Why couldn't the idiot have done everything on the kitchen floor instead of on the carpet? :angry:) Took me 1/2 an hour to get the whole mess cleaned up! Thank goodness for Hoover and Fabreeze!
Cute Orion video! I'd like to send Arrow somewhere, just can't decide where. He'd have fun in Vegas. Darn dog!
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION]...... Vegas looks so content in that pic. Nice that you had some me time this morning. ;)

[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] ,,,,,, Looked like you hurt O's feelings when you told her you didn't want to play just now... :lol:
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION], Ohhh that sucks!!! I agree If they are going to do it at least be on non-carpet! you did have a zoo of a morning!!

[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION], trust me I have very few quiet mornings, he is usually standing up in his crate when I come out of the bedroom and when I do it is ALL ABOUT HIM!!! I just want to sit and drink a cup of coffee but OH NO-----Straight to the kitchen for some breakfast which only takes 5 seconds to eat then out for potty break, then he is a wildman running around and he does the SAME EXACT thing with his paw, when Orion was putting/scratching your leg for more attention. I sure can't give him enough treats in the world to teach him to shake or give high five, but he sure knows how to paw my arms and legs when HE wants attention!
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[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] you are so lucky to get a day of free time! I haven't had that for a month with the little one... 4:45 am rise and shine and screaming for food!

[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] Baby O has the most beautiful big brown eyes! Feel free to send her here for a few months! Belly needs someone to play with ! Her Boston brother doesn't want anything to do with those puppy teeth.
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] I just LOVE Orion ... she's so cute even when she's fresh! Chunk acts like that at nighttime.

[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] What a sweet little face :)
Awww Vegas looks so precious and sweet with his tongue out and face all smushed up! Too cute, just want to kiss him!

Orion just has the most beautiful eyes, must be hard to stay mad at her!
It's funny that you mention the eyes. I refer to her eyes as dark chocolate. Vegas has milk chocolate eyes. No...I can't stay mad at her or Vegas. I may always talk about what a PITA she is and she has a bad rep (we have the award to prove it) but she is a sweet girl. She is a total mommy's girl. She has to be with me whenever I'm at home. She's with me while I shower..she has to watch me do my hair...she watches me while I'm on the computer. She is a very observant girl. She just has a lot of naughty in her.
Both Vegas's, O and Arrow are definitely living in their forever homes. No doubt about it. And their mamma's are lucky to have them! Poor [MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] you just don't feel the lucky part so much just now. Hope Arrow is over whatever upset his tummy to cause all that.

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