How you know it's time to vacuum...


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
How can you tell it's time to vacuum that rug?
View attachment 13577

... when your kids jammies look like this after playing in the living room all morning!! Ahhhhhhh!!
View attachment 13578
P.S. anyone that judges me based on this pic is lying about actually owning a bulldog. :p

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Im not judging. Mine looks like that even after vaccumming. lol Im always covered in hair
can't see the pics... when I click on the link 'pop-up states invalid link'
Your little girl is adorable.... and my jammies look just like hers,,,, er, I mean the bulldog hair part
Yep... only my kids clothes are much worse. 4 shedding, furry beasts = lots of fur!!
Whew, glad I'm not the only one with hairy kids! I mean, hairy skin kids! [MENTION=1169]Piamitch[/MENTION] I also sticky roller my kids sometimes too! I usually just change their clothes right before we leave the house. Problem solved.
HAHA looks better than mine do sometimes.
My daughter and fiancée came over last night and neither wanted to sit on the sofas! AND I had just vacuumed that morning. :bang: then as she left..she stated.." REALLY need to vacuum!". : :whut?: this from the child who tried to hide things UNDER the rug in her room rather than put them away!! :eek:
It takes about a minute of cuddle time with HRH to make our clothes look like that. I put a satiny bath robe over my work clothes in the morning and always change before cuddle time when I get home in the evening. Vacuuming the floor doesn't make any difference and I don't think princess chicken s**t would stand still for being vacuumed.
That's why I want to get the dyson pet vacuum. Works awesome but pricey.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk......Laura

I already mailed my letter to Santa telling him how good I've been this year, and how badly I want a Dyson pet!! But I'd also settle for a Roomba. :angel: Or one of the Barbies with pink hair & tattoos.

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