How much meat to feed to a 9 weeks old puppy + eggs and legumes questions


New member
Oct 20, 2014
Boulder, CO
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Bulldog(s) Names
I have not had a puppy in a long time which makes me feel pretty "rusty" and like a newbie all over again. And I never had a bulldog puppy (boxer yes, but no bulldog). So I am brining my puppy home this Wednesday which makes me both excited and terrified because I realize that I still have so many questions about everything. One of them is whether bulldog puppies usually can self-regulate when it comes to raw meat? Meaning, will a puppy usually stop eating when she is objectively full or is there anything unique about bulldog puppy which would make her heavily overeat meat till she's sick on her stomach? I would imagine a 9 week old pup should eat 4 times a day? How much ground meat would you give to such puppy at each feeding?

Would you marinade the meat in very fermented unsweetened yogurt for few minutes prior to feeding it (together with the yogurt). At least this is what I used to do with my boxer puppy loooong time ago, when he was very young (I got him at 4 weeks of age) to aid the digestion.

Also, do you give your puppies raw eggs? If so, do you use just egg yolk (since they are supposed to be less of an allergen for pups) or would you give a whole egg? How often?

And what is the deal about legumes? 15 years ago when I had my last dog no one talked (at least in Russia where I am originally from) about feeding lentils and garbanzo beans to dogs. Now people say it is a good food for them?? Is it? Any input on that would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you so much in advance!

By the way, I live in Colorado (Lafayette, near Boulder) and if anybody on the forum is from this area, I would love to be friends and do playdates for our bullies :).

I have not had a puppy in a long time which makes me feel pretty "rusty" and like a newbie all over again. And I never had a bulldog puppy (boxer yes, but no bulldog). So I am brining my puppy home this Wednesday which makes me both excited and terrified because I realize that I still have so many questions about everything. One of them is whether bulldog puppies usually can self-regulate when it comes to raw meat? Meaning, will a puppy usually stop eating when she is objectively full or is there anything unique about bulldog puppy which would make her heavily overeat meat till she's sick on her stomach? I would imagine a 9 week old pup should eat 4 times a day? How much ground meat would you give to such puppy at each feeding?

Would you marinade the meat in very fermented unsweetened yogurt for few minutes prior to feeding it (together with the yogurt). At least this is what I used to do with my boxer puppy loooong time ago, when he was very young (I got him at 4 weeks of age) to aid the digestion.

Also, do you give your puppies raw eggs? If so, do you use just egg yolk (since they are supposed to be less of an allergen for pups) or would you give a whole egg? How often?

And what is the deal about legumes? 15 years ago when I had my last dog no one talked (at least in Russia where I am originally from) about feeding lentils and garbanzo beans to dogs. Now people say it is a good food for them?? Is it? Any input on that would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you so much in advance!

By the way, I live in Colorado (Lafayette, near Boulder) and if anybody on the forum is from this area, I would love to be friends and do playdates for our bullies :).


My my baby turned 4 this month but I clearly remember I had to measure out the recommended amount or he would eat anything in his face. Actually still to this day. I only feed once a day and that has always worked. I don't feed lentils. I use chicken leg quarter and beef heart. Small amounts of beef kidney and pork liver. I don't grind just cut with poultry scissor. When starting I used probios probiotic.
Some dogs and puppies can regulate and some can't regardless of breed. My other bullie would of killed himself eating and other one was not interested in food at all. What else were you planning to feed your pup? Meat and what else? You can give eggs, whole eggs is better and some give them even every day. I dont feed legumes, but some people do. I regommend buying a book about raw feeding, cause then you get one guide line how to do it. In the internet you will get as many different answers as people and it can get very confusing.
While i don't feed raw i do feed home cooked and garbanzo beans are part of what we feed Harlea. We cook them and maserate them and she gets a measured portion with each meal. The reason we do this is that she is sensitive to quite a few animal proteins so we have to limit the amounts she has depending on what it is. Some are 1/4 cup and others are 1/8 cup per meal and anymore than thay amount and she breaks out. We have been including garbanzo beans for about 4 months now and she is doing wonderful with them.
Thank you so much, everyone, for your input. So in case if our puppy can't self-regulate, how much raw meet would you give to a 9 weeks old pup in one feeding?

Also, when Kira is a bit older, I am planning on feeding well-chewed (I will be holding it and making sure it is well chewed before the dog can swallow it) raw bones (such as necks or soft cartilage-like bones of cow's chest area). I will maybe try to cook some lentils and garbanzo beans and to add it to her meats to see how she does with this. I could also steam some carrots, mashing them and adding to her meats. Maybe also a bit broccoli if it does not make her gassy. I am planning on giving her raw whole apples.

I also plan to feed her home-made cheese, at least while she is growing, since it is excellent food for growing bones. I found this recipe on a Russian recipe website and it sounds like a very easy one to make and not too expensive, except I have absolutely no experience with making cheese with vinegar. So if you have experience making cheese with vinegar, any input would be greatly appreciated. I can try to offer it to her with very sour/fermented yogurt, but if she does not like sour, she could eat the cheese just the way it is. By the way, is it ok for puppies to drink whey (from home-made cheese)?

Here is the recipe of the cheese: I gallon of milk, bring to near-boil, lower heat and add 7 table spoons of apple sider vinegar. Mix and let simmer for 2 minutes. Then cover and allow to cool down. Strain from whey and the cheese is ready to eat.

I also bought some powdered multi-vitamins for young dogs, so I will be adding them to her meals as well.

Also I bought a high quality grain free kibble from a natural pet store and I am planning on using it as a treat during constant on-going training and for some occasional feedings (when I just don't have the time to do anything else).

I will also give her raw eggs; I think I will start with couple of times a week first and if she handles them well, I could feed her one egg daily (or every other day).

Does that sound good? Any other ideas/advices/input? Everyone's opinion is very welcome and much appriciated!
Also, how about bone broth? It is a very healthy food for people, soother the stomach, great for bones (and even helps bone injuries to heal), but what about dogs? Is this something that dogs/puppie can eat without getting a diarrhea?
Kira is coming home TODAY!! Please please please somebody help me to get a sense of how much ground beef to feed to a 9 weeks old puppy in one feeding!
Puppy's need food about 5-10% of their bodyweight in a day, first decided in four meals, but not just ground beef.
Maybe since you are not yet fully prepared or sure what do feed from a raw standpoint... get a good quality kibble, feed 1 cup 3x a day until you have your raw diet set and ready for your new baby. I always urge people to buy a book about raw feeding and study that one way of raw feeding. Feed an adult dog that way and observe how that dog reacts to the diet and modify it accordingly. Then you can look for ideas and different approaches in the internet. Then you may have also gathered enough information to feed a growing pup.
Maybe since you are not yet fully prepared or sure what do feed from a raw standpoint... get a good quality kibble, feed 1 cup 3x a day until you have your raw diet set and ready for your new baby. I always urge people to buy a book about raw feeding and study that one way of raw feeding. Feed an adult dog that way and observe how that dog reacts to the diet and modify it accordingly. Then you can look for ideas and different approaches in the internet. Then you may have also gathered enough information to feed a growing pup.

I am ready as could be, just a bit nervous. Have grass-fed beef/bison ground mix unfreezing and got milk all ready to make fresh cheese for her tomorrow. Also have grain free kibble, just in case as a back up. Wish me luck.

I did raise two pups on raw, so it is not like it's a rocket science. Just a bit nervous since I haven't had a dog in over a decade :)
OK, good luck.
Heading off to the airport to bring our puppy home! Please wish us nice puppy-loving flight attendants, so they would not "notice" me holding Kira on my lap :)
Thank you everyone! Kira is home and is becoming food gourmet much faster than I expected! After trying raw meat with very fermented/sour yogurt she completely refused to eat kibble. I though I'd trick her by mixing a bit of kibble with a good amount of meat and yogurt. Somehow amazingly, without slightest of afford she managed to leak out all the ground meat and yogurt and left ALL kibble, clean of mean on the plate! wow! One or two times when accidently she would get kibble in her mouth she would spit it right out. The girl sure knows what she wants lol.

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