

@ 2 days old the mom should start to be attentative When the pups are done nursing, hold the bum to the mom's face to get her to lick them to stimulate them. Be ready cuz they will pee and possible poo. Don't freak's normal. The mom's lick and will even eat the poo. If the mom is licking, then you do not have to do it. If the mom will not, then you need to wipe and stimulate. The first few days are not very routine on when they p & poo, but after a few days it will become more regular, soft and black. And when you start to change over to gruel....the poo will change texture and color again.

Keep a log book with each puppies weight and condition (including p&P)

Good Day~
This is more intense than newborn babies. I have zero advice to give but I wish you all the luck in the world . Also can I see these babies PLEASEEEE?

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