Hello :)


New member
Jan 24, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone, I am excited to be a member of this forum as you all seem so knowledgeable and nice. My name is Jenelle and my bf Adam and I have an english bulldog (Sampson, 5 yrs old in May) and a Cane Corso (Stella, 1 year in May). We live in San Diego and love beach days with our fur-babies. I have just switched our mastiff to a RAW diet about a month ago and we are considering switching the bulldog. Because adam had Sampson before I entered the picture and Stella is my puppy I am very knowledgeable about mastiffs but not english bulldogs and I would like to learn more, so here I am :)

some pictures, because we all like pictures :)

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:smileywelcome: Jenelle! So glad you joined. You will find tons of information on this site and if you don't just ask, we are always ready to help.
erm, what is Stella doing to Samson in the second photo??! :blink: :eek: lol

Both your pups are adorable. :welcome3: to EBN
Haha they were guarding the home from the stranger walking down the street. Stella was standing there and Sampson insisted on standing there too, so he went right under her. It was hilarious.
So happy you joined and your babies are beautiful. as you cam see there is plenty of info here and if you can't find it just ask and we will find the answer. There are several people here who feed raw, so you can get plenty of help from them. So jump in and have fun.
You have my two favorite dogs!!!! They are absolutely beautiful!!!!! I love them!

Bulldogs are angels in fur coats
:hiya: Jenelle and Sampson. :welcome: to EBN! My son lives in San Diego, beautiful area it is there. Sampson and Stella are beautiful. Just jump right on in and we'll answer all we can or find those that can. :up: Heck I'm still learning about this breed.
Hello and welcome to EBN! Your babies are both beautiful.... I used to work with a Cane Carso rescue, just beautiful dogs. My b/f still house/dog sits for two corso he is their 'toy', Chase is so big I can sit on his back and need to tippy toe to touch the floor. Again, welocme ... look forward to more pictures.
I had the same question about the second photo. I spent time with my sister, who has a pug and a Boston terrier. Elmo, the Boston terrier was in the same position as Stella quite often, which wasn't so unusual, but what fascinated me was how Moses often reacted. I was left with the strange sensation of witnessing m/m dog porn. I wanted to get a video, just to ask about it, but that just seemed like I'd gone off the deep end with photographing the family.

Stella and Samson are adorable.
What gorgeous fur kids you have!!! :welcome:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk :)
:smileywelcome: to EBN........ Both your babies are darling. Glad to have you here and hope you will become a participating member. Thanx for joining.

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