Hello Everyone!


New member
Jul 7, 2013
Stanwood, Washington
Bulldog(s) Names
Ruben and Winston
Thank you for your kind welcome! My husband and I are new bully owners and we have two sweet babies, Ruben and Winston (see avatar). They are now 12 weeks old and are the love of our lives. Unfortunately these sweet little babies have come to us with some major medical problems...already...so I'm sure you'll be hearing from us a lot.

Ruben has a class 3 murmur caused from pulmonary stenosis and associated with already moderate pulmonary hypertention. He also has anemia and low blood pressure. Winston has a class 2 murmur caused from a VSD, an umbilical hernia, and bilateral cherry eyes. Both pups have a cardiologist already, have had echocardiograms, and will have them again in 6 months and annually thereafter. Winston will have his hernia and cherry eyes fixed when he is neutered (if we can wait on the cherry eyes).

We fell in love with these boys the minute we saw them so there was no way we were going to return them to the breeder, even though she offered to take them back for a full refund. We've decided to raise and care for these lovely brothers as long as we have the pleasure. They do not act sick at all and are quite smart and will behaved.

This is our first time having bulldogs as members of our family. We are very pleased to be a part of this "club". Thank you.

Edy and Jeremy
Welcome to EBN, Edy and Jeremy, this is a great site. You'll find many members here have felt with heart wrenching and extensive medical problems with their babies. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, if someone can't answer it immediately, they'll tag a member who they think might have been there did that to bring you first hand experience. I use to have cocker spaniels as pets, but after meeting a pet in Lafayette LA, who was an English Bull Dog, my heart train of thought changed. I now have two of them, and together with these guys we make a family. They are the most awesome pets I've ever had, but I'll assure you their stubborn and determined at times, but the love they share is 10x fold what I value myself as to them. I'm sure Ruben and Winston are proud to have you as their parents, and very fortunate as well! There's a lot if great articles here on the site as well, please make yourself a at home, and join right in when you feel like. Well be looking foreword to reading your threads!! Welcome!!!
:welcome: to the site. Your babies are beautiful and you have found the right place for information like [MENTION=8699]Casper[/MENTION] has mentioned. It makes me happy to see that you are giving these lovely babies a fighting chance in your fur-ever home.
Hello... there are few members here with bully babies that have the issues you describe and will be along shortly to maybe provide some insight for you

i tagged a few members

best of luck and look forward to seeing pictures
Welcome! Your Bully's are very lucky indeed! I'm so happy you found us, and I know you will find great info and support. My Jake had an umbilical hernia, it was repaired during his neuter and a very simple fix. I can't speak to the more serious things you are dealing with, but it sounds like those sweet babes are in good loving hands. :)
:welcome3: Hope to see some pics of your boys soon!
Welcome. I have two bullies also with Pulmonic stenosis... one severe, one moderate. No surgery options, yearly echos and med for the moderate case but no meds and yearly echos for the severe. Wouldn't do much good. My boys are not litter mates but are very active and healthy. Sebastian (the severe case) is 2 1/2 years old and Remy is 1 1/2 years old.
Welcome to you, Reuben and Winston, so glad you found us! We will be here to support you anything you need ask don't be shy.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
aw welcome to ebn and bless you for keeping these 2 babies and caring for them. warms my heart that there are still people who love dogs like i do . :)
Hi and welcome to Edy, Jeremy, Ruben and Winston. I also have two siblings a male and female, they are now 16 months old, and their names are Bulldozer and Blossom. I don't have any experience with heart problems, but my two also came with some health issues, and like yourself I would never have considered taking them back to the breeder for my money back or a new puppy. I chose them from day one, and god made them the way they are and I love my babies regardless. My two didn't have as serious problems as heart, but when Bulldozer was 5 months old, he had a growth spurt, and his lower jaw developed a severe underbite, his upper and lower teeth don't meet, so he eats slower, and his lower teeth jut way out, and he's congenitally missing some teeth in the back, also because of this his tongue hangs out of his mouth most of the time, but I think he's darn cute, and it just gives him more character. Blossom was also fine when we bought her, but she developed many allergies which we found out in the first month we had her, she is allergic to chicken, salmon, corn, and grains, she always had red warm ears, pink face and chin, and chin acne, we switched her food a few times, and by trial and error we found Fromms Beef Frittata, and they have been on this food since they were 7 months old, and both are doing really well on it. At 5 months Blossom developed cherry eye in her right eye, and at first I was able to massage it back in, but then it kept coming out, so I waited until she was 7 months old, and had her spayed, and repaired her eye at the same time, to avoid putting her under anesthetic twice. That was my plan, but her other eye came out a week after her surgeries, and when I went back to the vet for her post op checkup, I had her look at her left eye, it was much bigger than the first cherry eye, so we opted to book her surgery right there and then, and repaired the other eye 3 weeks later. We opted to have the eyelid stitched back in, rather than have it removed, and it's been 9 months now, and her eyes are beautiful, with no complications or relapse. We are very happy with the results. It's best to wait until you do a spay or neuter surgery, so you only have to put them to sleep once, but also wait to see if both eyes come out, because they usually do. Your babies are beautiful, and with your care and love they will thrive, and be okay. Good luck, and keep us posted on their progress.

here are some pics of my guys, in the first two of Dozer, you can see his underbite, and his tongue, and you can see Blossoms cherry eye before and after surgery.


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Here is the advice I gave another member regarding cherry eye

I copied and pasted this from another person I gave advice to, hope it helps
hi , I also have a female named Blossom who developed Cherry eye at the same age (5 months) , at first I was able to massage it back in, but by the time I had her spayed at 7 months, it was no longer staying in, and was getting bigger from swelling due to being exposed to the air. I had her eye repaired at the same time as her spay surgery when she was 7 months old. unfortunately a week later the other eye poppped out as well, and pretty big right from the beginning, it wouldn't massage back in at all, and so a month later she had a second surgery to fix the eye. Our vet does not remove the tear gland, and has been doing this surgery for over 20 years, and she has her own technique that she has perfected and told us she has a 85 to 90 % success rate for the eye not to pop out again. we are very happy with the job she did, and Blossoms eyes are beautiful. We had no problems post surgery, and its been 3 months since the surgeries, and no problems. I'm so sorry you and Sophie are going through this , and having such a tough time. I am not familiar with the other method of removing the gland, but there are other members who have had it removed with no problems, and others who have had problems with dry eye, I think they can develop dry eye with either method, and there really isn't any right or wrong way to repair the eye. There are risks with both, but the tacking in of the gland with sutures has more risk of recurring cherry eye, than removing the gland altogether. i think you just have to do your research, that's what I did, and ask lots of questions, then talk to your vet, and see which method he has done more and which one he recommends and why, and them make your decision based on what you are comfortable with. In your case since the first surgery was not succesful, and they have already cut a pocket in her eye, i would be wondering if another surgery with sutures might irritate her eye and cause her more problems, and for the price $1800 and no guarantee, i would be leery of doing it again, a better option for you may be to remove the gland altogether to save her having more surgeries, and risking irritation to her eyes, and future problems down the road. If you have it removed, you wouldn't have to worry about it not working, and having to do further surgeries. you may have to give drops after , but I would rather do that than have her go through more. It is something you have to discuss and think about, and then make a decision with your vet. I hope everythng works out for Sophie and you find a way to fix her eyes. sending love , hugs and prayers your way, for a solution, and a speedy recovery for Sophie. Keep us posted on what you decide , and how she is doing.

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