Gravity Defying


New member
Apr 28, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hazel is absolutely fearless. No amount of almost falls off the couch/steps/bed or actual fall off the couch or bed seems to deter her. I know she's a puppy but is she ever going to grow out of this?! My last dog slipped off the couch maybe once and realized he should probably avoid this in the future. Hazel just doesn't seem to care. She will rough house on the couch and bed and run right at the edge of the couch. Of course we never let her on either without us, but she is a slippery little thing!

And she is a mover in her sleep. She will fall asleep on the couch right up against the back cushion and move around so much she'll be at the edge in a half hour. Pic of how she likes to start her naps... Hazel 3.jpg
Hazel is absolutely fearless. No amount of almost falls off the couch/steps/bed or actual fall off the couch or bed seems to deter her. I know she's a puppy but is she ever going to grow out of this?! My last dog slipped off the couch maybe once and realized he should probably avoid this in the future. Hazel just doesn't seem to care. She will rough house on the couch and bed and run right at the edge of the couch. Of course we never let her on either without us, but she is a slippery little thing!

And she is a mover in her sleep. She will fall asleep on the couch right up against the back cushion and move around so much she'll be at the edge in a half hour. Pic of how she likes to start her naps... View attachment 112391

Duke's over a year old n still is like yours n worst. Was that words of encouragement? Lol
OMG I just want to reach in that photo rub that tummy!!!!!

Joey was the same as a puppy but she's way more reserved about jumping now....
Hazel is just adorable!
Bella is pretty crazy too! But she is pretty agile. She has fallen off the bed sleeping a couple of times.
Smash doesn't care and runs into stuff chasing his ball, including taking me out playing soccer. Lol

Her little freckle belly is the cutest!

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BELLY!!! Baby bully freckled belly!!!!! Hmmm... was there a question?

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