Gracie's Thread


Bike riding, bully loving soldier
Jan 21, 2013
Hattiesburg MS
Bulldog(s) Names
Since I'm such a proud Papa I need to post a picture or video of everything Gracie does, I thought this might be easier lol!!!!

All tuckered out from bath time and playtime.

Guess the pumpkin won....
Sweet girl all tuckered out.
Great idea! What I cutie. I will subscribe!

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I've been able to keep her out of her crate a little longer each day. Today she was out for most of the day and used up most of her puppy power!!! Right now she's in her crate snoring typical EB puppy snores... Zzzz
Today she was out for most of the day and used up most of her puppy power!!!

Careful ... puppy power naps can recharge puppy powers in seconds ................. :eek:
Careful ... puppy power naps can recharge puppy powers in seconds ................. :eek:

​HAHAHAHAHA! Gosh tho...Gracie is getting so big already...and increasingly adorable!!
Gracie in her bouncy chair sleeping with that cute little puppy's been just over a year since Honey left us...I never realized how much I missed that sound...

Feeding time at the zoo. ALL the pups LOVE the homemade kibble. In the picture are Tiny, our oldest son's weenie dog, Oreo, a rescue we got for our youngest son, Shasta, our standard Yorkie, and Gracie.

Gracie in her bouncy chair sleeping with that cute little puppy's been just over a year since Honey left us...I never realized how much I missed that sound...

Gosh...I know! Because Brutus spent most of his previous life crated, I did not crate him
and he slept w/me like he'd always done it, lol, thought I'd never get used to that snoring
and slept on the couch more than once to get some sleep! But now, I miss it, in fact, my whole
house is so quiet after listening to his constant snuffling, huffing & snoring I can't stand it.

​I'm counting down the days until Little Bee gets here, I sure hopes she wants to sleep with me!

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