Fresh Veggies


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2012
New York City
Bulldog(s) Names
Raven (2011-2016), Tyson (2014-2023) & Bella
Does your bully like veggies? If so what are their favorites? Are there any that should be avoided?
Many members give veggies as treats..... some I've read are green beans, carrots. Other members will be along to give you some tips
She seems to enjoy broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini. Frozen seems to make her happy, she gets a toy and something to eat. I offered her some apple but she doesn't seem to like that. It's weird because I had offered her room temp carrot sticks and she refused them.
She seems to enjoy broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini. Frozen seems to make her happy, she gets a toy and something to eat. I offered her some apple but she doesn't seem to like that. It's weird because I had offered her room temp carrot sticks and she refused them.

The cold from the frozen veggies may feel good on her teeth
Maybe the frozen veggies soothe her puppy teeth and that's why she loves em'?

I don't know of veggies/fruits they can't have (in small amounts) besides apple pits, raisins, and onions.
Lol, didn't get that far in the slide show!! That's a bit cheeky of them.

Off to make Poppy and Bunk a cappuccino....;)
As far as raw fruits and veggies go, anything other than the things listed already to avoid are great. I get fresh fruits and veggies, chop them up and freeze them in a large freezer zip-loc for treats for Samson and loves them. The bag in my freezer now currently contains blueberries, pineapple, apple, celery, carrots, green beans, and broccoli. I usually give him a piece or 2 every time we come in from a walk or as a treat mid day if seems hungry and its not dinner time yet. I also give him no grain dog treats from time to time but the fruits and veggies actually end up being way cheaper than the treats and they're healthy. Plus, I like to think that it's a nice break from those top shelf, high protein dog foods we all feed our bullies.
Franks favorites: (either fresh or frozen) green beans, peas, carrots, blueberries, apple (no skin), bell peppers. He loves standing under me when I am chopping carrots or bell peppers because he knows he will make out like a bandit!
we do green beans and greek yougart .. Im a little behind on this and need to get better at finding treats for my babies ..
I haven't found anything that Rook will not eat (fruits/veggies or otherwise). He loves his frozen green beans and apple chunks. He also LOVES lettuce. He pretty much demands his own little salad whenever we are preparing one with our dinner. He will wake from a dead sleep if he hears a leaf pulled from a head of lettuce. :)
I haven't found anything that Rook will not eat (fruits/veggies or otherwise). He loves his frozen green beans and apple chunks. He also LOVES lettuce. He pretty much demands his own little salad whenever we are preparing one with our dinner. He will wake from a dead sleep if he hears a leaf pulled from a head of lettuce. :)
That just gave me such a cute visual.
You know I think these dogs are eating way better and healthier than we are. :lmao:

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