Fiona Health Update


New member
May 2, 2012
Quincy, Florida, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Herschel and Fiona
She did just fine with the heartworm treatment. Now she will just be on Heartgard and be tested again in 5-6 months. She has new eye ointment for the ulcer. I had noticed one of her eyes looked cloudy when I got her... almost like an old injury or cataracts but it turned out to be an untreated ulcer that had been there for a while. Taking care of that. Another round of antibiotics for a vaginal/vulva infection. It was another $177 but she is so worth it! I love my vets! They are only about 6 blocks from my house in my small town and very, very nice.

Oh, and they checked her hips and knees again and there is no sign that anything is wrong. Has anyone else had an issue with a bully being "wobbly" on the back legs? Let me try to describe. She walks like a woman on 6+ inch stilettos, has the left/right butt movement lol. There is no pain, xrays show no hip dysplasia or injuries. The vets both said they think it is because she is so huge up front and tiny back end. Made worse by very little exercise since she was just used as a puppy factory. She can run along with Herschel, kicks her legs up like pro, can go upstairs, jump... all the normal stuff but just wobbly. I am an overprotective mama and worry. Trying not to worry though because again, there is no pain and she seems happy.
Just wanted to say I have Jenna who was a puppy mill rescue and have had her for about 2 years she was wobbly & would have trouble getting up from laying but after she was up and moving seemed fine. She is also big shoulders and little butt but we started walking when i first got her...short walks to start did help a lot she can go for miles now (depending on temp), not wobbly and no trouble getting up.
I agree with Marianne.... Fiona probably needs to build up her muscle in the back legs. I am seeing the same thing with my foster girl Mia -- she moves around fine, steps little bots of running, but she is slow to get up and move/walk when first waking up.
Thanks so much! I kind of figured that this was the case. I feel tons better now.

We go for small walks in the evening. Athletic Herschel gets annoyed with Fiona and me walking all slow, but he is adjusting. Now if I could just figure out how to stop Fiona's licking. Me. She will sit there forever and lick lick lick.

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