Emma videos

I'm at work and streaming videos is blocked here :cursing: I will pull out my ipad a bit later.. But I had to tell you that picture of the three pups with Mike is ADORABLE!!! :luv:
LOL Ana, I keep my iphone near me and check it out throughout the day. ;) That's our house at night pretty much, except I have the sweet spot of the sectional, the middle. :angel:
Jack was so sweet with her. Looks like Wilson is impatient for her to get bigger so he can play bulldog-style! Awwww...daddys tired too like mommy is I'm sure. Thanks for letting us experience little Emmas introduction to the pack. Do you think she will stay mellow? Too soon to tell, I know. I think I'm waiting to see her ruling the pack. My boys love BabyGirl so I know who's in charge in my home. My husband and I are wrapped around her little paw as well. OK now for the nag line...keep taking pictures and videos cuz you know how fast they grow!
[MENTION=1760]Fontanafox[/MENTION], I'm real curious to see how it pans out in the next 6 months as she gets older. The boys are getting neutered this coming Wednesday and not a moment too soon as Wilson has started marking. He peed twice on her crate, lol. It's fun to go back and see Wilson and Jacks puppy pics, you forget how small they were. And Yes, Wilson is a bit impatient.

Thank you so much again for the special picture you did. I plan on printing it out in color when I get back to work. I just love it!!!
Oh you flatter me, thanks. You know we were caught up in the magic of you and your new beginning with Emma. We rejoice with you and still are. Sorry you're stuck with us nosey EBNers :p My Frenchton Louie still has to pee on every pee BabyGirl makes, LOL talk about possesive and he's neutered! Wilson thank goodness does not. Kiss baby Emma for us.
Thanks everyone! Today's been so much calmer than last night. She's asleep on my lap right now. :luv: The boys have really been good with her today and she's put them in their place a few times too. She's also initiated play with each of them. Mike calls her his "feisty little girl." Here's a pic of them.


I love this pic, I want it!!! :D

Thank you so much for the videos, I loved them! Emma in the snow is soooo darling, cannot wait to show everyone! I so love how her big brothers are taking to her. :heart:
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Oh my goodness! Holy moley adorableness!!! She is an absolute cutie...loved her walking around in the snow for the first time with her cute little pink shirt! :luv: And Jack is such a sweetie to her! Awwwwwww....:heart:
Jack is just fantastic with her. She and he were up on the med this am and he was being so gentle with her and gave her kisses. Wilson's a bit more, well rough in a good way. He wants to play with her but then he starts doing that pounce/jump....he forgets his own strength. Emma is a "firecracker" as Mike puts is. :lol:
.he forgets his own strength. Emma is a "firecracker" as Mike puts is. :lol:

Oh, if that is the case, you and I will be communicating so much more!! As 'firecracker' is what the breeder said to us about Banks when we went to pick her up and while we communicated over the phone and email before we got her. Oh what 'fun' you are in for.
Christine, that's funny that both are girls are called "firecrackers" :up:. The boys are in trouble as she gets older no doubt.
Christine, that's funny that both are girls are called "firecrackers" :up:. The boys are in trouble as she gets older no doubt.

Yep -- as soon as I saw that word for Emma, I :eek: for you! Lynn called Banks 'Spitfire' and 'Firecracker' -- she was beating on the Great Danes in the house

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