Ear Infection


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Utley and Bella
Bella has an ear infection. I tried getting her an appointment at the Vet today but the only open appointment is with a Vet we do not care for. Any time we see that Vet we always need to reschedule to see our normal Vet. The earliest we can get Bella in with our normal Vet is Monday morning. Do you think this is okay to wait this long to get her in? Is there anything we can do for her in between now and then? I try cleaning it but it hurts her. She only takes so much and then gets fiesty. I just don't want her to be in pain. Thank you in advance for your advice.
If it were me, I would probably go on in today. Just because I would worry that she would be hurting. I just think of human babies crying when they have ear infections. Dogs don't show pain like that, but who knows how it feels. Surely that vet can treat an ear infection and you can schedule the follow-up appt with your regular vet. Just my opinion. I don't like going to vets I don't like either. :fie:
Old home remedies for ear problems/aches were: A few drops of warm olive oil, or equal parts apple cider vinegar and water on a cotton ball. Not soaked-put cotton down in ear. Just keep an eye out,so she doesn't get it out and eat it! [MENTION=5393]Utley[/MENTION]
I would take her in, if it's an ear infection Id hope that's simple enough for the vet you don't like. You just need them to give you the ear drops/meds. If it were something that was more mysterious or needed diagnosis then I'd wait for the good vet or seek another.

Also, could get worse if you wait, catch it early if best to heal it faster.
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I agree with others above, it should be okay to see the other vet, since it's an ear infection that can be cleared up with medication and/or ear drops. You can also try cleaning the ear with witch hazel, but if it's really sore he may not let you clean it. I hope Bella feels better soon.
Bella has an ear infection. I tried getting her an appointment at the Vet today but the only open appointment is with a Vet we do not care for. Any time we see that Vet we always need to reschedule to see our normal Vet. The earliest we can get Bella in with our normal Vet is Monday morning. Do you think this is okay to wait this long to get her in? Is there anything we can do for her in between now and then? I try cleaning it but it hurts her. She only takes so much and then gets fiesty. I just don't want her to be in pain. Thank you in advance for your advice.

How is Ms. Bella doing?
She is doing better. They gave her medicine that will last a week then she goes back for a follow up.
My Charlie has been having ear infections a lot lately. Took him to the vet to have ears cleaned and figure out why his ear have started to smell bad. I bath him all the time. Clean his wrinkles and wipe his ears out. So After two rounds of meds steroids anti fugal and antiboctics. The vet says maybe it's his food. I have fead him pro plan shredded chicken or salmon for years. She said grain free feather free. So I started on blue buffalo lamb and potatoes .. Kinda worried now I read the reviews on BB.. Anybody got any ideas? Blue buffalo makes Charlie so gassy it's crazy. So my healthy boy has smelly ears and smelly gas...HELP! Oh smelly ears are under control for now. But after the meds are gone who knows. First he scratches his ears then they start being smelly
Your vet is right... Stay away from grains and chicken even white potatoes can be an ear issue. Look into Taste of the wild, Fromm, Earthborn, Orijen, Acana--- all great foods

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