

New member
Jan 13, 2013
Sin City in the Great Mojave Desert
Bulldog(s) Names
Lily and Daisy
My two Bullies are very different drinkers. My Daisy drinks so much that we've started calling her 'Sponge Dog Square Pants." And she's so cute and delicate when she drinks! She tilts her head to one side, and sip, sip, sip, sip, sips it up. She hardly ever spills a drop, and her muzzle is nice and dry when she finishes. On the other hand, my Lily drinks like a Bull Moose at a river bank. Slop, slop, slop. gurgle, shake, burp, slop, slop, slop! She drips water all over the place, and her face is soaked after every drink. She even gets her sister wet if she's anywhere nearby. We try to "mug wipe" the dogs when they finish drinking just to keep the house clean. Daisy stands right at the bowl waiting to be wiped, even though she hardly ever needs it. Lily finishes drinking and immediately turns away and heads out leaving a trail of spittle and water behind her. I love it! My girls keep me busy! :D
Yes indeed. the more the merrier . they sure are all different aren't they. gotta love me some bully
My porky is like your lily :) lmao she soaks me if I'm not paying 100% attention I usually end up with sloppy chin on my leg :) like hellowwww momma my bowls empty lol

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Lol, Sampson is such a careful drinker! He reminds me of a cat, only letting his tongue hit the water ever so gently. Our mastiff on the other hand sticks her whole face in the bowl and then wipes her face on your pants only after she has soaked the floors. I would have thought it would have been the other way around!
HRH is somewhere in the middle. She will make a mess and carry it with her if she is disturbed while eating or drinking. But if not disturbed she will complete the task right at the bowl and not spill a drop.
Sponge Dog SquarePant..... :LMAO: :laugh: that is good stuff. Banks is so sloppy and drinks most of the bowl that she takes the water all over the kitchen/bathroom that I leave towels on the floor next to the bowls.
My Bella will only drink from her water bottle attached to her crate. It is the strangest thing, She has a bowl of clean water available all of the time, but she chooses to drink from her "bottle". It is very funny to see! It is actually kind of nice, because she does not slobber or make a mess at all!

oh my....yes, kids will be different....

So now tell us about your wonderful bulldogs?

heheheheh :tongue:

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