Dozer does the cutest thing


Norwegian Rose
Community Veteran
Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Bulldozer and Blossom
Hi everyone, when Dozer lies beside me all snuggley, and I'm watching TV, or reading, or on EBN, lol, he doesn't like when I'm not petting him, or paying attention to him, so he will put his paw or both paws on my lap, and he keeps pawing at me until I pet him again. It's the cutest thing ever.
Aww. Dozers sounds liked a sweety pie! Punkin would do the same, but instead of pawing, he'll scratch you with his nails. Not very gently either!
Gia does that too! Alot of times she will try and paw my phone out of my hand if thats what I happen to be on. It is funny. Especially the way they look at you while they are doing it. Like you a hurting their feelings lol

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isn't that the best franklin will come up to you and with his head lift my arm to get under it or for me to pet him I just hate it when I have a drink or something in my hand then it goes flying. I just love it he's my little baby he still thinks he's a baby and a lap dog the only thing I would change about him is I cant kiss or even touch my hubby without him getting in between us. its bad he could be in a dead sleep and hear one little smack and he's right up there making him get off me
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How dare you not pay attention to dozer? sweet.

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Ah.... It is true :luv:

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