Doritos anyone?


New member
Sep 15, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Chester Winston (Chesty)
So I was eating some chips and Chesty was dead asleep no movement from him other than snoring, well I had to run out to the kitchen for something and when I was coming back I heard some crinkling noise and I walked into see this. 1380220_10201239611331353_1560580718_n.jpg1376443_10201239611651361_441694252_n.jpg1377352_10201239611891367_659354920_n.jpg guess he wanted some Doritos too. lol such a silly puppy . sneaky sneaky sneaky :sneaky2:
So funny! My 3 would have done the same thing!! :)
[MENTION=4081]mcraven2[/MENTION] yeah, I'm surprised the bag wasn't torn apart or anything.
Lil stinker! So cute...I don't know if Dudley would do that or not...he'd certainly eat them if I gave them to him...but I'm not sure he would do it on his own...I wonder...
Harlea doesn't wait until we get up. As soon as she hears the bag she is trying to see what we are eating.
Harlea doesn't wait until we get up. As soon as she hears the bag she is trying to see what we are eating.[/QUOT
Brutus as well. You would think he was a blood hound the way he can sniff out food.
That's how we get Vegas inside if he is ignoring our voice commands to come in. We either 1)wrinkle a chip bag or 2)activate the ice dispenser.

If neither of those two choices work. We tell Orion..."soft" and he comes running. He's not about to let her get something and not him.
HAha... Ya my lil piggie would be awake as soon has she heard the bag... And heaven forbid if I walked away.. SHe would prolly have the bag stuck on her head while eating the contents..
At least he was civil about it so you couldn't get mad lol. Rocco would have ripped the bag to pieces and made a nice mess for me to clean up lol.
:rofl: well, he is one very smart boy.... pretend to sleep and get the food when Mom walks away
Yeah normally chesty is right there whenever i have food or under my feet if i'm making food ( you know just in case i drop something) but that day he was pooped he had a busy day so i thought i could leave my chips to go get a drink..but nope..he would of had a mess if i wouldn't of stopped him..and yes i did share 3 chips with him since the doritos are gluten free. SPOILED PUPPY HE IS!!!!! but he's just to damn cute. He can pretty much get away with anything.

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