dog park today


Bully lovin' gypsy
Community Veteran
Jul 31, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
So, even though I continue to tell him not to do it, my dear husband brought Herman to the dog park.:cursing: I keep telling him I dont want Herman there (ever since that time he was a little over 3 months and was attacked by that dog a woman had just rescued and knew nothing about). Lo and behold, I drop by the park, and guess who's there.... in the dog park. Herman. At the time I got there, there was only one dog, a husky named Domino. She was sweet and Herman was chasing her, so I didnt freak out. Then it was like dog after dog just kept coming in - and I panicked each time a new dog came in.

But they were all gorgeous (and grown up) - 3 huskies, a leonberger, a sweet little golden retriever, a little black lab and a young german shephard and a few others. Even a beautiful brindle greyhound that looked like a tall, thin Herman (except she was a greyhound) LOL
They were all nice looking and well taken care of purebred dogs - and I noticed there were a couple of trainers in there too - and all the parents knew all the dogs!! The only maniac in there was Herman who was humping any dog that laid down LOL (He might be banned :blink:)

It wasnt so bad... I was still tense the whole time, but I feel a little better about going there. All of the dogs were gentle, and were mostly interested in those who were running and playing tug. Since Herman was only interested in humping, they just jumped over him LOL The poor golden retriever was happy laying in the mud playing with a tug toy, even while Herman humped him up and down and I had to pry him off the poor dogs back.

I'm still skeptical, but seems the 4:00-4:30 crowd all know each other and it seemed safe.
Hahahahaha Herman! Learn some manners!

I haven't taken Tilly to the dog park yet, but I definitely want to once she's totally healed from her spay. I'm glad Herman was safe and had a good time!
Herman is a madman!! Control that boy would you :D
Dog parks are only as good as the owners that go there, if they know their dog , and are responsible owners who make sure their dogs are up to date on vaccines, and clean up after their dogs. It's the few irresponsible dog owners who don't do these things that ruin it for the good ones. Leash free dog parks are great for socializing your dogs with other dogs, letting them have off leash exercise without worrying about your dog running away, or getting hit by a car, as they are fenced in areas, and they are good places to meet nice people for socializing yourself lol. If you check out the park before hand and observe how the dogs interact with each other, and see if it is clean or not, you can usually get a good feel if it is a safe place for your dog or not.
Hahahahaha Herman! Learn some manners!

I haven't taken Tilly to the dog park yet, but I definitely want to once she's totally healed from her spay. I'm glad Herman was safe and had a good time!

LOL I'm so embarrassed

And those folks probably went home and signed on the golden retriever forums and complained how some ill-mannered bulldog owner allowed her puppy to hump her adult male at the dog park.
Usko loves dog parks and even though we had a few bad experiences when Usko was a puppy I never want to stop taking him there. In my opinion dogs need other dogs company and even if you have two or more it's good to also meet and play with others. It's also my job to protect Usko and when he was attacked I was right there stopping the attack. I'm always keeping an eye on him and the other dogs. Once I pulled a strange dog away from Usko by his tail. Usko was also a bit foolish as a puppy and just went to those dogs that were not friendly, but that is the way they learn. Almost everytime when an adult dog attacks a puppy it looks worse than it really is. If an adult dog goes after a puppy for real it must be very unbalanced dog and should not be in the park. Also it's never wise to take a friends dog or a strange dog to a park. Everytime I go in I ask the people that are there if their dogs are familiar with bulldogs or if they think they're going to get along. If they're not sure we don't go.

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