does anyone else's dog do this..


New member
Mar 19, 2010
washington, west virginia
Bulldog(s) Names
porkchop, abbey, gucci and rocky,
I think my dog is funny sometimes...let me tell ya what she does and you decide.. kinda funny,

we have 4 bulldogs and our bed isn't big enough for all of them so at night they sleep in the garage with their turtle sandbox beds and litter box.. (its heated and air conditioned) and yes my husband isn't happy that his truck is parked outside but oh,well..

anyway,, of the 4 dogs they are pretty quiet at bed time.. a few toys and such.. occasionally they may bark but we have learned by each of their barks which one is the one barking.. so, with that said, if one certain one (abbey) barks we know that its something we need to get up and check out.. the other three will bark if the wind is blowing but abbey is our guard dog.. so here is what she does.. when they are outside and she sees someone getting close to the house, mailman or just a jogger she will bark then come running, as fast as she can, into the house looking for me,still barking mind you, and once she finds me she barks and jumps up almost in my lap like she is trying to say come look.. and if i dont move she does it again until i go see who is there.. after i tell her its ok she don't have to worry about that person she settles down and goes back in to guard mode again..
she is serious now.. love her to death , shes my protector.. but if anyone really got that close she will lick them.. but i still love her.. shes our princess..
It's nice to have a protector. Abbey takes her job seriously--how precious! Winnie barks at every tiny noise she hears, and she hears everything. She sleeps with us and we have to keep the bedroom door shut or she would be jumping down and running out at the least little thing.
Oh i love all our bullies different personalities!

I think I have heard frank bark only a handful of times in his entire life. and it's usually while he's sleeping :happy: haha
Our Frenchie, Cheli is like that --- only barks when he is playing unless, someone is too close to the house.. then he grumbles/barks and looks for me to follow him
I think it's cute!! Last night Penny kept seeing a shadow/reflection in the fireplace glass (it was her she was seeing) and she just kept barking and growling, coming to me then back to the glass and growling and barking. Same thing outside- she's the one that stands straight up and sees what's going on and starts barking. Lockjaws just hanging out- walks over to her and licks her. Lol
OMG, this totally sounds like my Harvey.

He will let out his bravado when someone is at the door chiming, knocking or if someone makes a noise, he'll bark and bark.

Once the person get's close, he'll probably lick him/her to death.

Harvey is my certified "watch dog" alright. He'll probably watch a burglar take everything away.
ha sounds like my neighbors dog.. they got woke up by the police letting them know that they were being robbed and they have a schnauzer that barks at everything except the robber of course..

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