December 20th 2012, Jan 4th 2013 and Jan 22nd 2013


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
I just don't know what to do anymore. It's been hell here for the last month. I've neglected to document his last few grandmal seizures....I don't know why. I guess after everything that has happened, my faith is dwindling. We last left off after Vegas has several grand mals in 24 hours, a first in a very long time. Well, right before Christmas it happened again. On December 20th he had (I believe 6) in a 24 hour period. Then on Jan 4th...right smack dab in the middle of the day, while everyone was at work......Vegas has a seizure while in his kennel. We came home to saliva on the walls and an accident in his kennel. What a way to make me feel like the worst bully mama out there. But, in my head I know that it's better to have him in a kennel and safe than wandering around walking into glass and falling down stairs.

Ever since the new year started, Vegas has been having facial seizures daily. These are very irritating to him. Lately, he has started to whine and cry during them. I've contacted his vet and they assure me he is not crying in pain, rather out of frustration.


This morning....I work a later shift. I start at 12:30, so I get to spend the morning with the babies. We got up at 8am and I immediately fed them breakfast. They went out and did their morning bathroom duties and once inside, Vegas came over and sat next to me on the couch. And they started. Facial seizures. Every waking moment he has to deal with these. So, I fill a treat ball and let him chase it around. Once done, he settles back down. This morning, I was going to take a photo of his waist line for a newly started thread, Vegas got up and as I was trying to get a photo...I noticed his demeanor was off. Since I already had the camera in my hands, I turned on the video and I set it on the floor. Vegas was in a forward walking movement...but he was caught up in a bar stool. As soon as got him free, he fell to the floor and had a seizure.

This really sucks.

I just want to cry.

I placed a call to his vet, asking for help. I don't know if KBr would help stop the facial ones. I know it's unrealistic to get the grandmals to stop. I've accepted the fact that this is our life, but the daily ones are too much. He's gone years without having them....why now? I've been asked to call her today so we can talk.....:*(


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
I am so sorry this is happening to you. I pray you find out why this is happening. I can completely understand where you are coming from. We had a Frenchie that would have them in the middle of the night, his doctor put him on phenolbarbitol and we gave it to him twice a day every day and they never came back. Hopefully they will find out whats happening to Vegas and these can stop.


Apr 27, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Sarah aka cow
oh Cheryl I'm am so sorry you are dealing with this and everyday now must be so exausting. i pray they can finda way to make them stop. hugs to you dear n much love from Sarah n I

Rural mystic

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Jan 1, 2013
North Florida
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let me add my sympathy. I know this must be so frustrating and heartbreaking. Hope there is something that may help him improve


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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Vegas and Orion
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The vet suggested a clean slate. Going to another neurologist and getting a 2nd opinion. She said that some furkids become tolerant to the meds and will need to switch. She is frustrated because he is a complicated case and she refuses to give up on him. She wants us to try and get a new outlook and hopefully he has some fresh ideas. I'm willing to try just about anything.

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Jul 4, 2012
Central Texas
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Brutus & Cami live in Heaven
Just wanted you to know that Vegas has been much in my thoughts lately.

And you too as I know how hurtful it must feel to try everything and feel so
helpless but to watch him go thru this daily.

Keeping y'all in my prayers!


"Slug Assassin" and PBS Gardening Dweeb
Jun 23, 2011
Mukilteo, Washington State
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Beefeater's Buxom Beatrice and Lord Harrington's Bodacious Beauregaard
I hope the new vet has good news --- or at the very least, some hopeful news.

How frustrated and sad you must be when this keeps happening. Perhaps Vegas' experience will be the one where a breakthrough is had and the right medication is found so all dogs with this disorder can benefit? Oh I pray so!

My heart would be breaking....


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Nov 3, 2015
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Rocco and Theodore
Hi Cheryl. Im new to this site but I found it very helpful. I too, have an epileptic bullie. He is 2 1/2 years and a rescue. I have in the last five months spent $5000 in all sorts of tests and a CT to find that there is "nothing"wrong. He suffers form grand mals and head tremors. I want to know how, Vegas is doing since it seems that you haven't posted any thing in a few years. Thank you. Hugs and love to you and your baby.


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
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Vegas and Orion
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tellabella01;bt1161 said:
Hi Cheryl. Im new to this site but I found it very helpful. I too, have an epileptic bullie. He is 2 1/2 years and a rescue. I have in the last five months spent $5000 in all sorts of tests and a CT to find that there is "nothing"wrong. He suffers form grand mals and head tremors. I want to know how, Vegas is doing since it seems that you haven't posted any thing in a few years. Thank you. Hugs and love to you and your baby.
Hi there! I don't know why I stopped writing about Vegas and his seizures. I still keep track of them, now in a hand held diary. Vegas is doing well. He is now just over 8 years old, having suffered from these since he was 10 months old. When we were faced with the choice to do an MRI on Vegas, we declined. He was just a baby and we were told that it was very unlikely that it was a brain tumor.... My neurologist said that if it was, we would see him start to lose control of his back legs. When he was just a little older, that started to happen. Here is a little more about that. Special Needs Bulldogs Forum - Bulldog spotlight: TheVegasShow

I'm happy to say that he is as adorable as ever, seeming to be happy and other than the epilepsy, healthy. You can contact me anytime you have questions.

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