Cooper and his tummy/food issues...

I've been following the cooper posts also but I must admit there are a few and I get confused were he's at, what is the current situation etc.

I take it this would be the most current, I hope he accepts the Fromm well and he continues to keep his food down.

Good luck!

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Yes this is the most is todays date :)..... They both have many comments on them so I opened a new thread. But you should be able to tell do to the date it was posted. I am not asking anything about his throwing up. I am asking how long I should give the fromm to work or any suggestions on food. I can go on chat to and ask but I am told to make threads in case some one has same question.... This has been going on for a month....March 3 actually is when I posted first about him throwing up, then about what the vet said, and the about his throwing up again...... The thread about the vet is so I don't have to repeat myself 50 times to 50 different people trying to help me! So Yes this is the current thread that I am asking about food and any suggestions on that! ;) Not being rude or anything :) I am just so frustrated with the throwing up and food issue that..That is why there are so many comments on my post because I usually go back to them and put updates on there because this is a daily issue and has finally possibly getting better! And I did ask about this in chat and I was advised to make a thread. :gum:

So I know I think I was a little overreacting with him getting a little red with the fromm! :) But since I just got him on the right track I didn't want to take any step back. And if this was my child and I gave him/her something and they were showing an allergy right away I would stop giving my child whatever it was I was giving. SO I am happy I listen to ll of you. I have contned to give Coop the veggies and fromm mixed in......He is doing great so far. A little pink faced here and there but he still looks really good. No throwing up and solid :poo: :yes: .........SO we will see what the next few days or weeks bring. I am hoping this is the end of the sickness and the beginning of Cooper enjoying his food finally!!! I am so happy i found this site and I will keep you all updated. I know it is still early to tell with the fromm but i am feeling better and better about it as the days go. I think Gracie and my other dog are liking Coop being sick cuz they get to eat some of his bland food I make and Gracie had some veggies last night and LOVED it!!!
@Watson @desertskybulldogs @ChanelnBrutus @2BullyMama @cowsmom @JAKEISGREAT @ollieivy @acarabias @gunnyboy @Vince00 @Twice @BrooklynStar (i know dozer has been going through a lot but this shows better times are to come I will be thinking of Dozer and praying for a better turn around and a healthy new start....he has a great daddy so I have faith everything will work out!) @BabyDuke @wheezer
[MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION] [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION]
Thank you everyone for following Coopers journey of finding what has been wrong. I am really hoping we found a solution!!! I am so glad I didn't go ahead with some of the vet suggestions s everyone told me to wait..... I would have wasted so much money!!
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So I know I think I was a little overreacting with him getting a little red with the fromm! :) But since I just got him on the right track I didn't want to take any step back. And if this was my child and I gave him/her something and they were showing an allergy right away I would stop giving my child whatever it was I was giving. SO I am happy I listen to ll of you. I have contned to give Coop the veggies and fromm mixed in......He is doing great so far. A little pink faced here and there but he still looks really good. No throwing up and solid :poo: :yes: .........SO we will see what the next few days or weeks bring. I am hoping this is the end of the sickness and the beginning of Cooper enjoying his food finally!!! I am so happy i found this site and I will keep you all updated. I know it is still early to tell with the fromm but i am feeling better and better about it as the days go. I think Gracie and my other dog are liking Coop being sick cuz they get to eat some of his bland food I make and Gracie had some veggies last night and LOVED it!!!
@Watson @desertskybulldogs @ChanelnBrutus @2BullyMama @cowsmom @JAKEISGREAT @ollieivy

Thank you everyone for following Coopers journey of finding what has been wrong. I am really hoping we found a solution!!! I am so glad I didn't go ahead with some of the vet suggestions s everyone told me to wait..... I would have wasted so much money!!

Ah, what a relief to know he is moving forward. Hopefully it continues and you can go back to just having a fun loving bully! keep us posted, meg!
oh thats so wonderful. isnt it great when you find the right thing and they start doing good. its such a load off. im glad coop is good now. :D
[MENTION=4292]Cooper11[/MENTION] I am so glad Coop is finally getting straightened out. It has really been a long journey for you both!! I am so glad you have written the threads and kept us updated on the ups and downs of things you have tried. I have learned alot from your posts and I really appreciate it!! Hopefully, your experiences have saved me and other bully owners a lot of expense and heartaches, as well as discomfort for our babies. Meg, you are an asset to this site and I feel like I know you even if I have never met you.
@Cooper11 I am so glad Coop is finally getting straightened out. It has really been a long journey for you both!! I am so glad you have written the threads and kept us updated on the ups and downs of things you have tried. I have learned alot from your posts and I really appreciate it!! Hopefully, your experiences have saved me and other bully owners a lot of expense and heartaches, as well as discomfort for our babies. Meg, you are an asset to this site and I feel like I know you even if I have never met you.

:) awww thanks..... I know I am hoping that if anyone has the same issues they can go back and look at my thread. @AubreysMom is going through the same thing and I am crossing my fingers she figures it out soon!!! And Yes my advice is listen to everyone on here. Even when you are frustrated and getting advice on her and getting different advice from the vet..... keep your mind open and before you go crazy with surgeries or other expensive test take some advice from our EBN family!!!! I know I got frustrated a lot and at times I was like I need to just start listening to vet. I finally opened my eyes thanks to @desertskybulldogs and @Twice and all my other EBN family!!!! So glad I listened to everyone!!! I have also learned so much on here from everyone!!!!

[MENTION=3913]wheezer[/MENTION] I so know what you are saying feeling like you actually know people on here without ever meeting them in person! :)
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I have learned so much from the EBN family since I've had Aubrey. Every time I have a problem I come here first because 90% of the time, I find an answer and it works. It makes you feel better when you know someone else understands. Thank you for your help too! If Aubrey does well today, then tonight I am going to add some veggies to her diet tonight like you have Coop.

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