Can't decide...need help

Love the name!! Don't forget to post some pics when you get him.

Sorry for the loss of Cadillac. Losing a pet is so painful we went through losing our lab mix in November and I swore we would never get another dog. Well here we are with our little bulldog 6 months later (got him in April at 9wks old). Best decision ever.

I worry about my little guy, he seems fearless, jumps off of stuff unexpectedly and I do have to keep an eye on him, just about like watching a toddler. If he gets too unruly I'll exile him to his crate for an hour or so to calm down, or we hold him. This is a great board to get all kinds of info and support. No problem is too small so post away. Can't wait to see more of your bully baby :)
Yes cant wait to see more pics of him and yes I love the name also! Hopefully he wont be as much work as you are thinking.
Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement. I will definitely post some pics when he arrives.

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