Can life go on when the love of your life leaves you to go to Dog Heaven


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May 6, 2011
We just had to put our Lola down, which is the hardest thing to do, she would have been 12 in March. How do you go on when she was the love of our life & you feel a terrible hurt in your heart? She has an exteremly fast growing tumor that grew in a matter of a couple of weeks that prevented her from doing her normal daily things. I know she is not in pain now but I can't help but feel guilty for my selfishness for wanting her next to me. Will time really heal my broken heart? I pray that my beautiful Lola is in Peace & that I may find that Peace.


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Beautiful Lola is not gone, she lives on in your heart. Nothing can be said that will ease your pain of losing your baby, all you can do is focus on the beautiful memories she gave you and know that she is resting easy. She loved you unconditionally throughout her life and that love still exists, hold onto that love<3
I'm SO very sorry to hear about Lola... many of us here know firsthand how heartbroken you feel, it has happened to me several times over. It sounds as if this happened very quickly, and I know how shocking and upsetting this can be...

I promise you that it will get easier, it takes time and please give yourself that time to grieve... I know that Lola is at peace, and in time you will be at peace as well. We are here for you if you need us...

Sending hugs and prayers :assurred:
I am so sorry to hear about Lola. The pain and loss you feel is awful but it will get better. It will probably not happen quickly but it will, slowly but surely.
RIP Lola.
Take me to the bridge
Where the fresh clear waters flow
Take me to the sunshine
Show me the virgin snow

Take me to a new place
Where I can feel no pain
My body be renewed, reborn
My spirit whole again

You have loved me endlessly
And I have loved you so
You gave me more than I could ask
It breaks my heart to go

But it's time for me to leave your side
Time for my spirit to soar
For this moment I have waited all my life
Freedom for evermore

Please don't be sad, don't weep for me
I have found so many friends
Take comfort in my angel's wings
May they help your broken heart mend

I love you so, I always have
You know I always will
I miss you too, our life, our love
But I'll be waiting still

I'll be here when you come to join me
I'll wait through all the years
But please don't rush... take time, enjoy,
Don't live your life in tears.

I can't come down to lick them dry
The way I used to do
So weep no more, and smile for me
For I'm smiling down on you.

I thank you from my furry soul
for what you have done for me
You helped me cross an ancient bridge
And I made it across safely.

I was welcomed by so many friends
Who knew my name and yours
They'd heard us mentioned in so many prayers
And ran to meet me at the door.

I want to tell you of these new wonders
But I don't want to spoil the surprise
So go in peace, in love, and in warmth,
Till we see each others eyes.

Goodbye dear friend, but not forever,
Just for a little while
Be strong for me and for the others
...And don't forget that smile!!!
Love Lola
Lola will always be in your heart. Pain will heal with time as a lot of other members in here can tell you. Time. Just time. Cherish beautiful Lola's memories as they will always be with you. :assurred:
So sorry for your loss of Lola, the grief is so painful when our babies leave us but yes with time it does get easier, her memories will last forever.
Sending :hug: to you.
I'm so sorry for you loss of Lola, sewtater. She looks like such a sweet, sweet girl! May all your memories with her life of 12 years bring you comfort during this time…12 years is remarkable for a bulldog, you obviously took amazing care of her, please let that offer you a little warmth. Rest In Peace beautiful girl :heart:
I know how you feel. I lost my Lilly - Corgi - to lymphoma cancer that spread like wildfire and my sweet Mickey - EB - to the same. His was quicker than Lilly's and I still have a broken heart and he has been gone a few years now. I know it will get easier to deal with, but the pain will never go away. Hang in there - I know I am.
rest in peace beautiful girl...... :cry:

At some point you will wake up and the pain and tears become wonderful warm memories... it takes time, but it does happen --- sending you hugs and prayers
Aww....I am SO, SO sorry!!! Many (( hugs )) to you! :(

We recently lost our precious 12-year-old, too--I totalllllly feel your pain! :(
I'm so sorry :( it's so hard.

What a gorgeous girl and long life she had. I know it's never enough though.

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