Buying a Bulldog for the first time..

I personally would find out why he is up for adoption and try to find out what vet the previous owners used so you can get his records.
I hate to say this I agee with with everybody, its not only the cost of the puppy, its the food, vet and medicines, vitamins, etcc. but most importante you say you are a student the EB do not require a lot of excersie but they do need a lot of atention they thrive on it. I understand your need but you have to consider everything and excuse if I hurt your feelings it not my intention
I agree with everyone else too. We bought ours off of a lady that had 10 adults, we went to look at her puppies, but decided not to get one. She kept all the adults in crates in her basement. She orginally wanted $3,000 for rollie. We finally got him for $1,300 and he was almost 2.. It was so worth it to give him the home he deserved! 2 days after we got him he needed surgery.. She said he had no health problems.. What a lie.. Poor thing could hardly see! So we have had over $1,500 in vet bills since we got him. Think it over very well, its such a big commitment! I Glad we were able to provide the care he needed. But its very expensive, and not all have problems. But you cant predict it! Good luck to you!!!
I agree that waiting is the best. But I did want to give you another option, a neighbor of mine raises the old english bulldogge and she is a very respected long time breeder. The mother is an Old Englsih and the dad is a full English Bulldog. I think she sells her pups around $800.00. If you want her # let me know.
I would just reiterate what everyone else has been saying. Do your research!!!! My daughter wanted an EB and I told her that she needed to do her research first. I bought her 3 books and we both read them. I felt pretty confident that I knew what I was getting into, but I have realized it is so much more than what I expected. Our little man was intended to be my daughter's responsibility, but I am the one doing most of the care and he listens to me. He is so much more than I could have ever expected, he has a great presonality and is so good, but in his 7 months he has had a rash that needed a steroid shot, he had an eye problem that needed drops, we had him neutered and needed to take monthly trips to get him weighed for his heartworm. As I mentioned, he is only 7 months old, so you can see how these things can add up and these aren't major things either. I know everyone here isn't trying to discourage you, but we all know what it will take and we want you to make sure you are prepaired for the responsibility. But when you do get a bully it will be the best time of your life!
i agree with all the above,bullys can be high maintenance physically ,mentaly and emotionaly,the cost can be so high if bully gets ill,and the need for endless amounts of patience as they are one of the most breeds:stubborn :lol:,all the best in whatever you decide and im sure that you will get all the help and support you need here,karen

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