Brought home 5yr old rescue - Need advice


New member
May 16, 2013
Orange County, CA
Bulldog(s) Names
Gypsy (May 2013- March 2015)
I brought home a 5yr old female rescue on Wednesday. She's adorable, friendly, eats well, etc. My only concern is that she has taken over my small bathroom as her "kennel". I don't really believe in crates so maybe this is clouding my judgement. She comes out of the bathroom for maybe an hour at a time to semi-play then goes back into the bathroom and sleeps for hours.

She wasn't in a foster home when she was with the rescue, she was kenneled at the vet for the last 3 months.

It it breaks my heart that she confines herself to the tiny bathroom. She has free reign of the house except for two rooms that gave baby gates. I know it's only been 5 days but is there anything I can do to help her feel comfortable out of the bathroom?

A couple other things to add, it's been extremely hot here and I don't have AC. We've been playing in the water and I have a fan in every room on 24/7 to keep cool. She also doesn't seem to "know" how to play with toys. If I hold a bone or chew toy, she plays/chews but if it's on the floor, she doesn't really know what to do.

This bully is completely opposite from my first rescue so any advice on how to help her come out of the bathroom would be appreciated.
[MENTION=8871]mzza111[/MENTION] You may not believe in crates, but your rescue does. She probably feels more secure in your bathroom,especially since you say she spent 3 months kenneled
at the vets. I think if you got her a crate,where she could go to feel secure and have her own "space", she would give up the bathroom. Once she gets used
to her new surroundings and family, she may use the crate less. You just leave the crate door open for her to come and go when she wants to. I too had a rescue who was 2 when I got him. He had never had toys, and didn't know how to play. It took several months before he learned that he could play with them.
What is your Baby's name? A crate would be really good for her to get use to. My Elmo goes in his crate a lot during the day, it is like his pacifier, he can go in and out of his crate when he wants.
Until she adapts to her surroundings, I would invest in a crate to assist her with the transition. You don't even need to close the door. She's conditioned to have her own space, and that's completely ok and normal. It's her 'safe place'.

As for the toys, my Punkin was the same way when we brought him home at 4 years old. He wasn't used to having toys or getting attention from people. After a couple of months, we realized that he has his faves, which are anything stuffies, and loves being around people.

Give her time and unconditional love, and she'll learn to trust you and see you as family.
Thank you for rescuing her!

agree with the others, she needs a crate, she is looking for a save zone and that is your bathroom right now, get a carte and leave the door open so she can come and go as she pleases. Give her at least a month to settle in and start to trust and feel comfort in her new home
Just a thought - is the bathroom cooler than the rest of the house? Tiled floor there, for instance? I hope she will come out from the bathroom but if she needs a little room of her own for now, a bathroom is perhaps not that bad?

Not all dogs play with toys. Castor is not at all into toys indoors. He does like his cube in the evening, though (a big cube that I put kibble in and then he rolls it on the floor to get the food out). Perhaps your girls might like a toy like that?
Bless your :heart: if your baby is happy then be happy !! What everyone said is true - it will take time lots of time sometimes... just love her... One day the :lightbulb: will go off and she will realize that you are NOT leaving her and that you LOVE her... until then baby steps and be consistent with what you do :)
Thanks everyone! First off, my new babys name is Darcy...but she doesn't really answer to it/recognize it yet.

Thanks for all the comments. I totally understand that the crate issue is mine not hers.:) I really don't mind that she has taken over the bathroom as it's not used and if she feels secure then she is free to use it. I do think the cool tile floors have also made it inviting for her. It just breaks my heart to see her confine her self to it when there is 1,200 Sqft for her to "own"! HaHa! I just need to give it time and hopefully she will slowly emerge.
Thanks everyone! First off, my new babys name is Darcy...but she doesn't really answer to it/recognize it yet.

Thanks for all the comments. I totally understand that the crate issue is mine not hers.:) I really don't mind that she has taken over the bathroom as it's not used and if she feels secure then she is free to use it. I do think the cool tile floors have also made it inviting for her. It just breaks my heart to see her confine her self to it when there is 1,200 Sqft for her to "own"! HaHa! I just need to give it time and hopefully she will slowly emerge.

Could very well be the tile too.... but, as you say, in time she will 'own' that 1200 sq feet.

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