Help Needed! Broken nail


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Hello all,

Winston has once again split one of his nails (3rd time). I was just saying his nails were getting long and we needed to trim them.

I happened to split long ways and to the right so this is very difficult to trim ourselves (we tried). We got part or it trimmed up and have been monitoring it for a few days with some success however the past two days it has started to bleed again. Not sure if he happened to catch it on something or the nail is growing and he is putting pressure on it.

So instead of going to the vet which cost roughly $225 last time which is outrageous, we cleaned it put some neosporin on and around it and then wrapped it up to prevent it from snagging.

The wrap has definitely helped and it looks good I'm concerned he is going to snag it when it gets longer.

I was thinking tonight if anyone has ever heard of using super glue to hold he two pieces of the nail together until it grows where I can cut it evenly?

Or any other suggestions?

Thank you!
I'm sorry you're going through this with Winston, I hope it heals soon, and no problems. I don't have any experience with broken nails with my guys, so don't know if super glue would work or not. The bets do charge a lot of money for many minor things, I was going to suggest that maybe the groomer could clip it or dremmel the nail and they would also have the powder or liquid, ( sorry I don't know what it's called that stops the bleeding). Many groomers and small pet shops will clip your dogs nails for $10 or $20, and I know here in Canada, very often Petsmart and PetValu have nail clipping days for $10, with the proceeds going to charity.
Oh, poor baby. I don't think the super glue is a bad idea at all. Maybe You could buy some baby socks and tape it with sports tape to keep it on and keep him from licking?????
If the glue does not get into/under the nail it should be fine.... Heck I used it for me a few times
I've used nail glue with one ply of tissue paper to hold my own nails together

sent from my droid mini
I do have kwik stop on hand, that has been very helpful.

I have not thought of trying the groomer. I will call them Monday to see if they would take a look.

I have also purchased some millers forge nail clippers, the reviews on amazon were pretty good. Hopefully his will make a better cut and help prevent anymore splitting.

Im im still a little hesitant about using super glue because I'm assuming part of the quick is exposed because of the bleeding and I am not sure how the glue will have an effect on the quick.

I did find people used glue on their dogs broken nails via a google search. I even found on Cesar Milan's website to use it to kind of make it one piece again.


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Whoops forgot to mention his last vet bill print out.

The vet needed to "sedate" him to trim the nail.

The medicines are for pain and an antibiotic.

They really know how to open up your wallet and take advantage of caring for your loved ones.

When we decide to get another bulldog I am going to consider getting dog insurance lol.
There are Medical grade CA ( super glue ) adhesive on the market as DR have used it in place of stitches or staples in the past.
I don't think I would use the super glue from your hardware store on your dogs split nail if there is a chance of it getting into the blood stream but that's just me.
Would be a good question for your vet about the glue.
I have some good news. I went to check his nail today after I got home from work and fell off somehow. It looks so much better. Didn't find any sign of blood anywhere so my problem is solved lol.

Thanks for for everyone's help and concern.
I have some good news. I went to check his nail today after I got home from work and fell off somehow. It looks so much better. Didn't find any sign of blood anywhere so my problem is solved lol.

Thanks for for everyone's help and concern.

Glad he is doing better and the problem resolved itself
Brutus split on of his nails on Friday. Of course the day before I took him to get his nails clipped! anyway, I just kept it clean and left it alone otherwise. These things usually have a way of resolving themselves.

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