"Bella, button plugs are NOT snacks!"

Cali Doll

Well-known member
Community Veteran
Nov 20, 2014
Northern VA
Bulldog(s) Names
Man, oh man! I don't know what attracts my dog to the button plugs that line the railings in our house. Her favorite lounge spot is the landing on our main stairs, but that spot has so many tempting button plugs for her to chew. She pulls them out of the holes and chews on them. I realized this too late and I have several missing plugs. :whistle:

Last night, I purchased a pack of plugs at Home Depot. My plan is to replace the missing plugs in the railing.

I'm thinking of super-gluing them. LOL! Is that unwise?

Bitter apple doesn't stay on them long enough to really be an effective deterrent. I have to sit on the landing with her, as she can't be trusted to be there alone.

Hopefully, one day I'll be able to leave her alone in the house. She also likes to chew on my exercise mat, which is in the living room. Having said all of that, she's much better then she has been. I think this is that OCD thing...she's obsessed with the button plugs! The good news is that she knows what "No bite!" means and she stops immediately...but, eventually she goes back for more.

:smilet:...my Bella
Oh Bella, she is just hungry mommy and they are soooo tasty! lol
OMG.... Lambeau has strted this too... I keep a baby gate by the stairs and that quickly stopped him :D
OMG.... Lambeau has strted this too... I keep a baby gate by the stairs and that quickly stopped him :D

Wow! How odd. Selfishly, I'm happy to not fight this battle alone. :) She's really obsessed with them. When we go up the stairs, she is like a magnet to the button plugs. It's not really feasible for me to put up a baby gate...I think. I'll see how this goes with me catching her in the act. I hate to deny her the cozy stair landing spot, but I don't have much choice.

As a side note, it's so hard exercising when your bully takes over your exercise mat. LOL!


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Wow! How odd. Selfishly, I'm happy to not fight this battle alone. :) She's really obsessed with them. When we go up the stairs, she is like a magnet to the button plugs. It's not really feasible for me to put up a baby gate...I think. I'll see how this goes with me catching her in the act. I hate to deny her the cozy stair landing spot, but I don't have much choice.

As a side note, it's so hard exercising when your bully takes over your exercise mat. LOL!

try the water bottle with a firm 'leave it' -- lambeau is catching on to that one quick :giggle:

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