Becky getting c section

Can you quickly outline the process of what you did the first few weeks after hte litter was born? I Plan on having a liter sometime this or next year and want to get an idea of what's involved. My wife and I are both planning on using our vacation time at work to get this done and the breeder i used is going to help me out as well but wanted to hear more about what's needed equipment wise and any type of daily activities I need to perform or look out for. I know it's gonna be tough
It's very hands on as pups are blind when born and they would need to be feed every two hours then you would need to wee/poop the little dogs keep their beding clean other than that keep them warm I used heat lamps also you would need to have a vet or an experienced breeder that you can call in case of emergency remember you may do everything right and still end up loosing a pup or two. It can be emotionally draining and remember bulldogs are bad mothers so be prepared to take all of her duties. It's not easy to do but if done right the rewards are great I would read as much as you can on bulldogs and breeding them as this will give you an idea of what to expect

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the new pack

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3 months old now nearly 4 now the two I kept are doing well and I am told the other pups are doing well in their new homes they seem to get a little bigger each day I would say they will be bigger than mammy before to long

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The pack is now one less the little boy Beaufort the one next to mj went to his new owners today. Very sad to see him go but he is gone to a good home

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The pack is now one less the little boy Beaufort the one next to mj went to his new owners today. Very sad to see him go but he is gone to a good home

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Always bittersweet
Beautiful Family, Becky and her Babies are so Beautiful, I Just Love Puppy Breath.

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