Any good tips for dog aggression?


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
Pork Chop (2009-2019) Bruschi
I have been training my EBD to cope with other dogs during our walks so far, superb! Each step is a milestone and an accomplishment. Overall, Porkie's a sweetheart. Just like anyone , she will fall short and needs to pick herself up again. She doesn't like dogs in her face, especially at dog parks. She will get aggressive . Is there any helpful tips or videos to help overcome this behavior?

We had 2 week training , no sleeping w me and giving her less attention . I practiced commands with her and we apply them daily. To show her whose boss!

We still need improvements in dog socialize.

Thank you

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Sounds like you are progressing wonderfully! Socializing aggressive behavior I would say baby steps in a very controlled envoirnmemt. The strange thing is your own confidence plays a huge role too. If you think she will be aggressive, she will feel that tension and react. Start small with a friends dog (hopefully one who is very submissive) on neutral territory if possible.

Oh and check out the post here called nothing in life is free . Excellent tips in there!

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Thank you so much for the tip. I will see if a friend will be willing to do this with me.

I look at each day as a new day to work with her.

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Oh [MENTION=9105]Pati Robins[/MENTION] ... this has you written all over it :D
Oh @Pati Robins ... this has you written all over it :D
I cant add anything that was added before ,or that i mentioned in one of the last posts on someone else thread xx
you are doing great x it does take time x use treats to reinforce positive behaviour , not force as this could lead to fear inflicted aggression xx
I cant add anything that was added before ,or that i mentioned in one of the last posts on someone else thread xx
you are doing great x it does take time x use treats to reinforce positive behaviour , not force as this could lead to fear inflicted aggression xx

She's improved so much! She understands " good behavior" and will look at me like , " my treat" with a huge smile on her face.

She understands " ignore " when we see other dogs get riled up.

She only let's mommy touch her. She snapped aggressively at the sales girl trying to put the harness on her to make sure it fit. I made it known to Pork Chop, it was wrong and mommy was mad at her. She sat quiet with her ears back during the car ride .

I love this girl , she's a rescue that came from a shelter , to a foster dad and now, in her forever home:)

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We have a rescue too. Boris was abused so he has triggers. We are working with a trainer and he's making improvements even though they are slow and incremental. Congratulations for rescuing and best of luck to you and your special bully
Sounds like you are doing great and have had some sound advice, It is wonderful you are gave Pork Chop and wonderful home :)
Update: Pork Chop still lounges at other dogs . I got practice with another dog mom . Consistency meeting the dog and his mom on our walks. She will be good than suddenly recognize the dog, lounges and barks. I tell her wrong and ask her to sit. She obeys and the dog mom is great! She says, it's ok Pork Chop .

We will be checking out Canine Good Citizen Class. I am excited to learn and get Porkie calmer and socialize with other dogs.

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We have a rescue too. Boris was abused so he has triggers. We are working with a trainer and he's making improvements even though they are slow and incremental. Congratulations for rescuing and best of luck to you and your special bully

Thank you:) Congratulations on your rescue .

Everyone here has been great ! I enjoy reading stories similar to mine and learn from them.

We have challenges and obstacles but we never give up! Practice and loads of patience . These milestones don't happen over night, we work hard to arrive to these accomplishments.

One thing in common we have no matter what we LOVE our bulldogs.

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Watch a few dog whisperer episodes, he is actually really good with this issue.
It will all take time -nothing happens over night , but it looks like you are making a big progress already xx
Can i just add one more thing with regards to Mr. C.Milan - dont use his "side kicks" as a way of putting your baby in its place
Good news! We start Canine Good Citizen Course Sat morning. I am excited

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Watch a few dog whisperer episodes, he is actually really good with this issue.

I finally got around to one episode on YouTube . Bully whipped is the name of the episode one was familiar , I liked how he got Crusty in with a pack of dogs . Crusty has the same iissue as Pork Chop. His owner is a doctor , Dr. Yang his name I think? No shock collar involved like in the previous one I saw .

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