Another Bella


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullie (RIP) & Angus (RIP)

We just adopted an English Bulldog 2 days ago. She's turning 3 in August. Her name is Bella Rose. Yeah, I cringed when I learned her name. I don't like Twilight! And she responds to Bella and not Rose.

I don't know much about EB except for the stuff I read in the books in the library and off the internet. My husband fell in love with the dog when we found out her momma's MS got so bad that she can't take care of Bella anymore. I sure didn't expect her to be so... heavy! She's like a sack of cement.

So, in all my research, I can't get good info on the proper muscle tone for an EB. I'm looking at Bella and she looks to me like she might be obese. She has a pig-like physique with barely a waistline. And I can grab a fistful of skin and lift it up! And I can't tell if her wrinkles are just that or if they're fat rolls. My husband says that's how they're supposed to look like. But, I can't stop wondering because she is also VERY lazy. For example, Gizmo, my 18lb bichon frise dog, would be standing in the middle of the kitchen and Bella would walk by and instead of swerving to avoid Gizmo, she would just bowl him over - walking right over him! And I have a bruise on my foot from when Bella stepped on it when I asked her to come - she came to me alright but didn't stop in time (she's still getting used to the wood floors as opposed to the carpet so she skids) so she ended up with her paw on my foot, looked up at me and sat down. Trying to get her to get off my foot was like pushing an F-150. I don't know, maybe she's too fat? Or is that normal?

She's the sweetest dog. And interestingly, she holds Gizmo as higher up on the pack even when he's 1/3 her size. She rolled on her side with her neck exposed when Gizmo got tired of her bowling him over. She's very smart and is fairly good with commands, but yes, she is stubborn. When she decides she's had enough, she flops on her belly and there's nothing you can do to get her to move.

I'm learning to control the slobber and I'm learning to clean the skin folds. She's very good with the nail file. She just flops on her belly and lets you work on her nails to your heart's content. She's not good with the leash though (she wasn't walked much before because of her momma's illness - she ran leash-free in the fenced yard for exercise). She pulls - and man, there's nothing I can do to pull her back so my husband is trying to do the leash training. We can't do much with that because it's been too hot outside.

I have to say, it took a little getting used to - from a bichon frise to an english bulldog. But, the pack is falling into place. I'm in love!
lets see some pictures. you came to the right place. good people with lots to offer you here.
Welcome Bella! Well, the way you described her makes me adore her. English Bulldogs are different from any other kind of dog I have ever owned so you can't really compare. They can be a lot of work but oh boy do I love them to pieces. Bulldogs come in all shapes and thicknesses so until we see Bella can we determine that. Some say if you look at her from above she should have a defined waistline. My BabyGirl is definitely a pudgo but I'm trying to correct that by walking her everyday and adding more veggies in her diet.
You're description of her makes me want to know her that much more better get that camera out!
Welcome to you and Bella! She sounds like a sweet girl. How much does she weigh? (Sorry, Bella, but your Mom is concerned). I have found that I can't free feed my Bulldogs, they get measured portions twice a day! Looking forward to pictures!
Yes! Pictures please! I love Bella AND your story! Congrats to you for adopting her..welcome and there are lots of people here to help you!
Congrats on the newest member of ur family!! She sounds like lots of fun! Let's see lots of pics!
Okay, I took some photos:

Laziness example:
This is how she eats/drinks. She flops on her belly and munches on her food then takes a pause with her head still stuck in the bowl, then munches some more. If I wasn't worried about her energy it would be super hilarious.

And this is her - sleeping a lot. She would play chase with Gizmo or the kids for about 5 minutes and then she's snoring for an hour.

Body shots:
Laying down -

Standing up -

From above while standing up -

So, what do you guys think?

I have more questions but I'll post them in the proper forum section. Thank you so much guys for helping me out.
Gratz on Bella! She is Gorgeous!! I think she looks great as far as the weight goes... she has a great waist, and you can see muscle tone in numerous places... I think she is just an awesome solid piece of Bullie! :yes:

I love the eating while laying down! LOL! Her stamina may be a factor of her previous owners limitations, and the more you keep her active, the longer she will be able to go... I even bet her energy will increase as Gizmo interacts with her as well.
Come to think of it, she does have strong muscles especially on her chest and back legs. Her legs are very strong. She is 60 lbs.

Something scary turned hilarious happened this morning. My yard is not fenced in so I take Bella out on a leash to go to the bathroom. Gizmo doesn't need one so he goes and does his thing. Well, Bella thought it was chase time, so she tugged on the leash. I tug back, trying to gain control. And she pulls her head out of the collar! It's those wrinkles, I tell ya. I can't tell how tight the collar has to be with all the extra skin flopping around her neck. Anyway, she goes chasing after Gizmo. Gizmo looked like he was saying, "what's she doing now?", and ran back to me. Bella didn't stop - she kept going to the neighbor's yard. I have to say, when she gets running she's like a bull (the cow kind) thundering across the yard... I tried not to panic, Gizmo was confused - he wasn't sure whether to run after her or stay put - so I tell Gizmo to stay by the door, I run after Bella and she thought I was playing chase (she didn't listen to Stay, Sit, or Lay - the 3 commands she has down pat) and so she runs faster around the house towards the front yard! I needed reinforcements, so I go back inside the house to get the kids to help me. I open the door to run out and I get bullie-dozed as Bella comes running into the house. I look out the door and there's Gizmo still sitting by the door with this really confused look on his face.

This all happened within about 5 minutes and so now Bella is snoring, completely out of energy.

Everyday is a circus.
Welcome! Bella sounds and acts like a hoot! What a fantastic way to start the morning.

As for the 'bulldozing', it's part of the bully charm. :) Every bully here thinks they're a lapdog so you may need to train Bella to not step over people or Gizmo as often as she does. I agree that her energy should increase once she gets more exercise and playtime. But be aware that sleeping for 18 hours of the day is also part of the bully package, especially at her age.
Bella is beautiful and sound like a typically lazy,stubborn, fun, entertaining bundle of mush :)
:welcome: anatess...... We are glad you joined us to share your bullie adventures. This site is full of bully loving people working together to make the whole bully experience a great one. Thanx so much for the stories and pix and keep them coming. I dont think we can get enough bully stories here. Bella looks to be very healthy and a perfect weight. For 60 pounds she doesnt look fat at all... Again Welcome and glad you are here. :)
Bella is a beauty!!! It seems that Bella was simply initiating you into bully ownership by running into you.......that means she loves you!:p
Welcome, you Bella is beautiful. Ours is named Isabella and I planned on calling her Izzy, but got out numbered from the family. I didn't even think of Bella in Twilight until about a year into it.

She is beautiful, even with the Gator shirt. LOL So does this mean you live in FL?
Okay, I took some photos:

Laziness example:
This is how she eats/drinks. She flops on her belly and munches on her food then takes a pause with her head still stuck in the bowl, then munches some more. If I wasn't worried about her energy it would be super hilarious.

And this is her - sleeping a lot. She would play chase with Gizmo or the kids for about 5 minutes and then she's snoring for an hour.

Body shots:
Laying down -

Standing up -

From above while standing up -

So, what do you guys think?

I have more questions but I'll post them in the proper forum section. Thank you so much guys for helping me out.

Omg shes perfect. U have come to the rite place. I'd like to say everything you described sounds like a bully to the T she's spook pretty

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