Animal Cruelty tied to human cruelty


New member
May 7, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
I am assuming many of you care as much as I do about animal rights. This article is not always easy to read, the intro had me instantly crying. However, I am very happy to see our society not only acknowledge this issue but start to take the crime of animal abuse much more seriously. If you are interested in this topic as well I would like to suggest reading this article.
That is very interesting although hard to read. I wish people were more tough on animal crimes and have always thought of the link between the serial killers and animal abuse. You see their biographies on tv and stuff and it always starts with animal cruelty. It is a shame there arent more people out there who think how serious this is. In fact in my city there was a story about a 10 year old~ish kid who was terrorizing an elderly neighbor by killing her rabbits and things and even tho they knew this, I think they sent him for evaluation and he still eventually came back to keep doing it. Can you imagine?!?!?! I havent read anything more about it so maybe it has stopped I hope but in the meantime this kid will be another crazy murderer in his future, scary!
That is awful. As much as I would love to rescue animals, I think I would not be able to handle watching these idiots get away with it day after day. Bless the rescues and all the other professionals that have to see this on a daily basis.
In New Zealand I belong to an organisation called "Paw Justice" which are an awsome group of people working endlesley to have tougher sentencing on animal cruelty .. just recently in my home town a 'low life' was charged with ill treating an animal after he had beaten up his partner and their 8 mnth old staffy went to intervene and protect her .. he then turned on the poor wee staffy and strangled it until it stopped breathing!! When he was sentenced he was given a $200 fine and 150 hours community service!! I was blown away if he had done that to another human it would have been murder! There is just way too much of this type of thing happening and it makes me real angry and sad :(
Absolutely tachia! How can someone recieve such a lousy sentence after killing an animal? That is just awful!!

It is very intersesting to see that it starts as young children. Horrifying!! I am so glad to have our kids share our love of animals. Makes me happy that we are showing them the right path...
When reading about that story about that bulldog Jagger it made me think of this article. If someone is sick and twisted enough to do what they did to poor Jagger it makes me think there is no limit to what other horrific things they are capible of doing.
Absolutely, [MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION]. Studies have shown for years that animal cruelty is linked to human cruelty. So it is hard to understand why animal abuse/murder is not taken seriously as a crime. When I signed the petition, I wrote something to that effect. It is infuriating that animal cruelty is taken so lightly when those who commit those crimes obviously have no respect for life and often continue their sick acts.
tough read, but so glad to see the research is proving this behavior should be punished in the same way if you did it to a human

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