Accidents when not home


New member
Jul 4, 2016
Upstate, New York
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Juno, Lola (2012 - 2016)
I'm so frustrated. Juno pees in the house when we are not home. She is never left alone for more than 4 hours at a time. My boyfriend works nights, so the time between him going to be and my getting up in the morning is 6 hours. Those are the only times she has accidents. She doesn't at all when we are home. I would think at 1.5 years, she should be able to hold it!

We have taken her to the vet to be tested for UTIs.

I'm tired of wiping up pee every morning and when I get home from work. What could be the issue??

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4 hours should be able to hold it if juno is taken out before BF leaves and you get home. Make sure you wash where juno pee with vinegar. Vinegar is the only product n inexpensive that the pet wont smell where they pee. Make sure if its wooden floors you clean the cracks n all. I use it straight. Then rince with cool water. What was the result of the uti?
Are you absolutely sure the BF is taking her out and making sure she pees?

Kennel her while you are not available to monitor her...and do not use too big of a kennel. IMO, all dogs need a kennel to call their own. It's safe cozy place and it helps to protect the rest of the home. Try putting her in it first without bedding and if she does OK for 2 weeks, then you can put a bed in it. If she pees on the bedding, take it away.
Are you absolutely sure the BF is taking her out and making sure she pees?

Kennel her while you are not available to monitor her...and do not use too big of a kennel. IMO, all dogs need a kennel to call their own. It's safe cozy place and it helps to protect the rest of the home. Try putting her in it first without bedding and if she does OK for 2 weeks, then you can put a bed in it. If she pees on the bedding, take it away.

I was thinking the same thing.... last week my b/f did not wait for Lambeau (2 yrs old) to pee before leaving for work and when our pet sitter showed up 5 hours later... crate was wet.
Agree w/crating her whilst not at homeā€¦if she is still peeing in her crate their is a very likely chance it could be medicalā€¦have you had her fixed?

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