A friendly reminder about overheating...


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
Staff member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
Just got a call this evening from a friend of mine that works at a local vet clinic... today was a high of 81 degrees, and guess who was rushed into their clinic w/an internal temp of 108?!! A 1 year old EBD... who was taken to the dog park today, and started vomiting and was blue by the time they made it to the clinic. I would like to say first of all that after working on the pup for several hours that he is okay... hopefully with no long term issues.

The weather this time of year is unpredictable, I took Wally to the vets to get his anals cleaned out today and I was worried about having him in our air-conditioned truck for 15 minutes.

PLEASE pay attention to the temperature outside BEFORE you decide to take your EBD'S anywhere... normally anything higher than 75 degrees here and I keep a watchful eye on my two. I will let them out to play at the house for about 15-20 minutes, but I don't plan an outing somewhere outside or a trip to the park.

Just wanted to put out a reminder, and to anyone new to our forum...
Thanks for that. My bully hates being inside and it was a chore gettting him to come back in this morning

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Great reminder. People need to pay attention to their bullies, and the weather.
Thanks for that. My bully hates being inside and it was a chore gettting him to come back in this morning

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We just need to be mindful, I know our weather here is changing daily... spring one day, summer the next!!! Wallygator would stay outside ALL day if I let him... we do have a covered porch, so I will let him snooze out there and check on him every 15 min.
Great reminder! And there are lots of things you can do to help!

We're in TX, and our summers are brutal. Temp index over 100. We have a cooling collar for Tyson... it has an ice pack inside.... I'll throw it on him when we leave for a walk, and it kinda melts down his chest... its helped alot! I keep the walk super short 1/3 the time/distance as his winter walks. I also carry water on me in a crossbody bag. Once we get back, the ice pack comes out of the collar and right back in the freezer! I love it, and yes he does get "wet" bc it melts down his chest, but that's the whole purpose.... since thats the area that needs to stay cooler for them :)

Here's the link for it: I also got some extra packs but really have only used one.

Great reminder! And there are lots of things you can do to help!

We're in TX, and our summers are brutal. Temp index over 100. We have a cooling collar for Tyson... it has an ice pack inside.... I'll throw it on him when we leave for a walk, and it kinda melts down his chest... its helped alot! I keep the walk super short 1/3 the time/distance as his winter walks. I also carry water on me in a crossbody bag. Once we get back, the ice pack comes out of the collar and right back in the freezer! I love it, and yes he does get "wet" bc it melts down his chest, but that's the whole purpose.... since thats the area that needs to stay cooler for them :)

Here's the link for it: I also got some extra packs but really have only used one.


That is awesome... what size did you end up getting for Tyson?
Large, but Tyson is a big boy. LOL so read the measurements, bc you may end up being ok with a Medium.

I may get a med and a large for my two... Thanks for posting this!!!

After looking at the measurements I ended up getting a small for Willow and a med for Wally. Hopefully they will fit... I don't walk them much in the summertime, but they LOVE to sit outside and broast for a few minutes... Ugh!

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