
well im late to this but i have to say i thought i would be married and have children to and now im 46 and have been married and divorced twice with no children. but i have my bully and my bostons and 2 cats and my bf of 7 years. i dont question why i dont have children it just is that way. i am happy with my life and so shall you be. trust me another dog will come along if thats what you want for jameson. one thing about dogs is they are adaptable. he will get over not having his buddy there and it will make the bond between you two so much stronger in the process. hang in there.
Totally blows...poor jameson he was all alone for twelve hours...before he and i dated i dated two other guys and neither understood my love for my dog. Its hard to find someone that gets my life...i am a television director in manhattan with very odd hours...i suck at meeting guys and usually go five years between guys. Anyone know a single guy near nyc...37 to 42 ish...employed, who loves animals....im not asking for a lot really not.

DON'T LOOK and it will happen!! That is how it happend for me. :ROFL:
thanks guys...i know it will pass...but he was my best friend first...and i miss him...and i look at jameson giving me the look like don't leave me mama....i will put him in daycare on saturdays occasionally but i work the swing shift during the week so he can't go then. doggy daycare closes at 7 or 8 and usually get back from the city between 9 and midnight...
thanks guys...i know it will pass...but he was my best friend first...and i miss him...and i look at jameson giving me the look like don't leave me mama....i will put him in daycare on saturdays occasionally but i work the swing shift during the week so he can't go then. doggy daycare closes at 7 or 8 and usually get back from the city between 9 and midnight...

We have lots of small businesses that offer dog walking during the day. You set up the time and the length. And they don't have to walk if you are uncomfortable with that...you can set up just a "visit" and some hang out time..here is $20 for an hour..either walk or just a visit. I know that adds up, but honestly, it is worth it to help you not feel guilty and give Jameson a break! They are bonded and have lots of local references. Especially great for housebreaking a new pup while you are working!
I have a dogwalker that comes around noon time every day to let Watson out and he really likes it. We are on monthly plan of $200 per month so it is a good deal for us.
i'm doing ok. i went and watched the giants game with some people that i met at my trampoline class...yes i said trampoline class. i debated going cause i was laying on the couch with jameson doing nothing all snug but i gave in and went. i think i would feel much better if i could get a sucker punch in...just kidding...he has really good reflexes it won't happen....jameson went to camp bowwow saturday for 6 hours to run off some energy. i think i may take him every saturday that i can...he loves going. i could probably find a dog walker but i'm home most days until at least 12:30pm and once baseball season starts till 1:30pm so i wouldnt' need one till later....i'll have to think about it. sean keeps insisting that he needs me as his best friend and i'm still thinking about it.
This is just me but I can't be friends with an ex...it's too complicated and usually results in hurt feelings. I'm glad to hear you are keeping busy. And the trampoline class sounds like a blast. I love trampolines! LOL
I can't be friends with exes either. You guys need space right now, maybe later you can be friends, but may never be best friends again. So sad that it didn't work out since you were such good friends. Hang in there.

I was in an abusive marriage with two kids and a cheating husband (with my "best friend) one thing through it all, I will never forget. One day,A good friend of mine was going on and on about her work and when she finished she asked what was new with me.......Ha, I told her I had just found out about the affair, my nerves were shot. She looked at me and cried, apologizing the whole time "I am so sorry, here I was going on and on about my life and the petty things and the whole time not realizing what you went through. Just proves SOMEONE OUT THERE ALWAYS HAS IT WORSE THAN ME. That one statement gave me so much strength! I will never forget it and when things go bad I think about that statement. Hold on, you will learn and blossom from this.
Do yourself a favor, and don't even try to be friends. Trust me, I know. LOL

Sorry about the breakup. :(

I've been through some tough breakups and relationship issues so I know the pain you are in and especially when it also includes the pups. I'm not going to say stuff about time or how you are better off... I'm assuming you already got enough of cliches. If you didn't live so far away I would suggest a playdate for our pups. Before we got Chelsea (my first EB) a brother she was alone and went to daycare atleast once a week. She seemed to really like it, now she just gets to go once a week to get away from the puppy (she is doing great with him but I think she needs her alone time too).

I wish you lots of happiness! And Chelsea and Chuy send lots of bulldog kisses and wiggles!

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