Help Needed! 12 old pup with food bloat, how much to feed going forward?


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May 29, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
We got Ginger a baby brother about a month ago. His name is Dozer, and has us all wrapped around his little paw.

However we had a scary evening last night. We went out and bought a bag of puppy food for him, and grabbed us some food for dinner. While we were eating, I didn't realize my husband left the bag of food on the kitchen floor. Dozer was in there playing (or so I thought) for about 10 minutes. I went in there and sure enough he made a little hole in the bag and was chowing down. I really didn't think he ate much, really only looked like a tiny bit. I mean he wasn't in there very long. Figured he was hungry, it was his dinner time too. Gave him his usual portion.

About 5 minutes later his belly swelled up huge. I'd never seen anything like it. But I had read enough about bloat to know the signs. We rushed him to the ER vet, where they did an x-ray. His little belly was just full of food. They kept him over night, on IV fluids. By morning, thankfully, his tummy had come down a lot and he was good to come home. He hasn't been able to eat today (8pm were supposed to give a little tiny bit of food), and rested. He's doing great now, back to his usual self, for which I am SO grateful.

Of course I'm kicking myself for not noticing the food bag on the floor, not realizing he might have ate too much out of the bag, and feeding him his meal. But now I'm a bit afraid of going back to normal feedings when we can. I know this was an accident and he normally doesn't eat like that, but at 12 weeks I need to figure out exactly how much he should be eating and at how many meals is best? We were doing 3 meals a day, 1 1/4 cups a day. I feel like being exact on measurements might help this to not happen again. Does that seem about right?
That sounds about right on the amount and three times a day until he gets about 7 months of age, then switch to twice a day. Glad he is doing better now.
It take vigilance to make sure you don't leave things around that they could get into. Any small things they could swallow, chew up, or choke on. Get plenty of nylabones to occupy him! Glad he is okay. When things are quiet-beware! [MENTION=5002]Gingersmom[/MENTION] you are back in "puppyworld!"
Thanks Davidh, that's what we will keep doing.

Manydogs, oh I know, the puppy world can be a real challenge. I can't express how angry I was for him leaving it on the kitchen floor (not where I keep it). I know it was a mistake, and he never figured he'd do that. But I really try to keep anything and everything up off the floor. That sure will not be happening again!

Here's a pic of my Dozer:

Dozer is adorableā€¦ and I'm so glad to hear that he's okay!!!
So glad he's okay! For now I would decrease to 1 cup per feeding. Keep an eye on his poos, they should come out log- like. If too firm like a tootsie roll increase the food a bit, if too soft decrease a little bit.

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Thanks Davidh, that's what we will keep doing.

Manydogs, oh I know, the puppy world can be a real challenge. I can't express how angry I was for him leaving it on the kitchen floor (not where I keep it). I know it was a mistake, and he never figured he'd do that. But I really try to keep anything and everything up off the floor. That sure will not be happening again!

Here's a pic of my Dozer:

View attachment 77341

what a precious little boy.... so cute! Happy to hear all is back to normal, little munchkins get into everything!
Dozer is super cute. Glad he is ok"")

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