
  1. R

    Puppy Toothecare Advice?

    Hello, I'm just after some advice on what to clean my almost 8 month old puppys teeth. I've been using on a soft baby toothebrush and I will eventually be adding things to it like fresh mint or mint oil and bicarb of soda. I was just wondering what other people use. Poppy has lots of toys that...
  2. Shredda

    Hi!!! My name is Shredda.

    Hi!!! My name is Shredda. I am a six month old male bulldog from Australia who loves cuddles on the couch, playdates with my friends and a hot water bottle to snuggle up to on cold nights. I am very excited to join the English Bulldog Forum family. Shredda. :D
  3. S

    Help! How do you offer water?

    I realize this sounds like a ridiculous question but I actually cant’ figure this out! Background, I have an older Golden mix that I just leave water out for all day and he goes and drinks throughout the day. Since rescuing little miss hot mess, I can’t even leave the other dogs water out! If...
  4. Hceril

    Playing in the puddle after Irma!

    She loves to play in water (puddles) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CnAZnTHQNIY But...... She Refuses to go out in the rain! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6B--OmDeKVg
  5. Davidh

    Harvey sucked.

    Sorry haven't been on here in a while. Harley brought us too much rain. Got a foot of water in our house. Took three days before we could even get out of our subdivision. We were busy cutting sheetrock out and getting the wet insulation out. Had to cut out the backs and some side of our new...
  6. P

    How Common is aspiration pneumonia?

    Josie was running around and playing outside today. Eating grass, dirt, leaves, hopefully no rocks, and she tried to eat a spider web and then threw up just once. She seemed fine afterwards drank some water and went back to playing and running about. This evening she cleared her throat a few...
  7. B

    2.5 year old Bulldog peeing/laying on it.

    Hello, trying to get some insight on an issue i've been having. My 2.5 year old, english bulldog named Watson was previously potty trained, but we've run into some issues of late. He's been peeing in his bed for the last 2 weeks and I'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong or what. I've been...
  8. minavag

    Fur discoloration

    Hello to everyone.My 3 1/2 year bully started to be yellowish in his white fur. Maybe is from the water (I keep him wet a lot,in summer months here in Greece) but how can I make him bright white?
  9. P

    Eclipsed Josephine

    Josie went with us to watch the eclipse in the town square with friends. She did sooooo good, was very well behaved and adored by all. Daddy even bought her a $5 (yikes! Must be eclipse prices) bottle of water when she ran out of what we took with us. She made sure to show her appreciation by...
  10. WaltsMom

    Intense loud breathing/snorting after dog park trip! Normal?

    Took Walt to the dog park for like 15 minutes and he sounds like he's going to die lol with all the intense breathing and snorting, still trying to catch his breath 20 minutes later. It was hard for him to take water because if how heavy he was breathing. So i dont know if this is normal? When...
  11. 3bugsmom

    11 week old puppies and water/house training

    I've read a lot about taking puppies out every hour at first. Josie and jack are 11.5 weeks and 11 weeks old. We use 2 xpens for a play area. Sometimes we make them 2 individual pens if they are playing extra rough and need a little "personal space" ;) We have been leaving water out u till...
  12. helsonwheels

    The Use Of Colloidal Silver

    Ive been reading a lot on Colloidal Silver. Read everyone's thoughts in here and I even had my own opinion on it. But something kept bothering me in the back of my head. As most knows im more on the essential oil consumer. CS is of course natural been around for thousands of years. I know of...
  13. I

    Constant Licking

    I have a 6yr old female that just constantly licks, sometimes licks her feet, most of the time just licks air. This morning she was laying there licking and had a huge puddle of water under her which happens often as well. I drives me crazy listening to that all the time. Any idea why she is...
  14. Hceril

    I guess I lost my float to Bella!

    I guess it's her float now ! I put her vest on when all of my attention isn't on her ( we definitely watch her like a hawk around the water) lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6dYMC_wcwUQ
  15. Hceril

    This little girl absolutely loves the water!

    She wants to in the float anytime I am in the water. I have to share with her!! Looks like we will be out ther a lot today. Compressor went in our AC unit. Not replacement until tomorrow! 91 degrees out and it is only 9:45 am! :(
  16. L

    Help Needed! Puppy has vomiting and diarrhea

    Hi, We picked up our bully puppy a week ago and everything was going brilliantly with feeding, poos were fine sometimes a little soft but formed. He ate last night around 8pm, but became very quiet and unsettled towards the end of the night which is unusual for him. This morning very quiet...
  17. S

    My heart is broken, I lost my baby

    Dexter was and always will be my baby! We took him to the dog beach he was under shade the entire time. There was a breeze, he was drinking water being playful. On the way home we had the ac as we always do but he stared to pant a lot so we pulled over gave him wet towels, water but he wasn't...
  18. bullmama

    ~ENTER HERE~ July Bulldog of the Month Contest "Water Bulldogs"

    Welcome to the July 2016 Bulldog of the Month Photo Contest! This month's theme will be: Water Bulldogs!! Bathtub Bulldogs? Bulldogs by the pool? Playing with the hose or sprinkler? Sleeping in their water dish? Let's see those beautiful bulldogs in, on or around water for a chance to win...
  19. 1Chumly

    Heat Stroke. Very good advice

    On my FB page this morning. Georgia English Bulldog Rescue 1 July 2016 · What to do if you suspect heat stroke: 1. DO NOT WASTE TIME POSTING ON FACEBOOK! 2. Send someone to the car to start and turn on AC full blast. 3. Tub quickly: place cool wet towels over head and back (not cold) 4. DO...
  20. Hankster

    Hank in his swim vest

    Hank had a great day today. Only thing is I have them on a 20 foot line of which he took off so fast that it pulled out of my hands as he wanted to go running with the labs. Out he went and swim they did as mama freaked out. Soon as he came back in his vest went On and then like a good mama, I...