
  1. R

    Help Needed! Losing spots of fur - Possibly allergies?

    Hi all! We've been back and forth with the vet and I think I narrowed it down to allergies (I think..). It started this year around March. I noticed her hair randomly will fall out in small clumps. She's doesn't seem like she's in pain but will clinch if you touch or come close to touching the...
  2. Chunky White

    Anyone else having trouble finding certain Acana lines?

    I went to get Chunky's food today and was told that Acana is having issues with manufacturing some of there foods made in Kentucky which is where the Appalachian Ranch line is made. I have had Chunky on that for about 3-4 months now after switching him from Fromm because I felt like he needed...
  3. M

    Allergy question

    I am new to this site and 1st want to thank you (all) for the wealth of knowledge I have found thus far. I landed here specifically due to my Bronx having severe allergies. We have him on a rabbit/duck food and he is taking Apoquel. Allergies flared up huge again and he is licking and...
  4. T

    Help Needed! How quick do allergy symptons arise from new food???

    Ready to pull my hair out guys, I can not make a decision! My Franky has had some allergy symptons, lots of itching and a skin infection... so I decided to switch his dog food 4 days ago. And for the last 2 he has slowly developed a pretty vicious hot spot on his neck!!! I am attaching a...
  5. ChrisRN

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~~Posey~~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Georgia

    6/9/16: Please welcome Posey! Posey was found as a stray and ended up in the Gwinnett County Animal Control shelter a few days ago. Her stray hold was up today and she is now in the care of GEBR. She has entropian, corneal ulcers, ear infections (in both ears), cherry eyes, and skin issues...
  6. WaltsMom

    My Bully is having stomach/skin problems and I can't figure it out!

    Hi guys, My Walt is 6 months old, about 30 pounds. He is having extremely loose stools when I take him out to the point where I can't even pick it up off the grass. There has been one thing added in the last three days to make this worse, which was this Salmon Oil...
  7. B


    Do your bulldogs stink? I feel bad, our guy gets a great bath ever 2-3 weeks depending on his skin, with DermaBens. He always smells good the first 2-3 days but then that "sour" smell comes back. His pocket is cleaned regularly as is his face. His bedding must be washed weekly (in a 2 hour cycle...
  8. HandsomeOtis

    Summer skin allergies...what helps?

    Otis has developed some small welts on his legs, chest and neck. We took him to the vet and were told they are allergies. The vet said Otis's case is fairly minor and recommended 50mg of Benedryl 2x per day. We are doing that plus giving him a tbsp of organic unrefined coconut oil with his...
  9. S


    What does everyone use for bully shedding? I am seeing plain yogurt, greek yogurt, salmon oil, and coconut oil. What is best and where do you buy?
  10. helsonwheels

    Essential Oils

    A few members have asked me what kind of essential oils they can use on their bullies for certain issues. I figured, why not start a thread on Essential Oils. Basically oils are NOT a replacement for serious issues but more on prevention, soothing, helping them out to be more relax and even...
  11. penguinspam

    More Issues :(

    Ugh, just came for a little vent. We've had Betty for just over 3 months now and she always seems to be having one issue or another, the poor girl. She had a bad patch of dermatitis when we first got her, got her on a course of antibiotics and steroid cream. That cleared up than she started...
  12. Biscuitsmom

    "I want da ball!"

    "I gotted da ball!" She loves the kids light up ball :lol: Side question though... does it look like she has tear stains? Some days it looks like she does and other days it doesn't. I'm giving her Benadryl because her eyes watered more during the allergy season but she has NO signs of other...
  13. helsonwheels

    Alberta on Fire :(

    Alberta Wildfires | News, Videos & Articles 5ish hours from me is under fire. It's the main town Fort Mac Murray is where Canada gets most of it's oil. Alberta is like the little Texas. Outskirts town 90% lost their home/towns. Suppose to get worse :( I know there's a few EBN members from AB...
  14. Evilo

    Skin issue

    I have attached the best photo I can of these 2 patches on Georges back they are about the size of a fingerprint I can't say they are bald but the hair is thinner where they are. The skin is sort of grey underneath from what I can see. He doesn't appear to be trying to scratch it but then again...
  15. Biscuitsmom

    So Thankful...

    I found this group! Since I joined I have switched Biscuits food, added apple cider vinegar in her water, wiped her face rolls daily, and just started adding coconut oil to her food. I've owned dogs all my life and it's now apparent how "different" bulldogs are! In just 2 weeks the little tear...
  16. jimmyjj

    Coconut oil

    I took these wee guys for there first injections today. As there not bully's I didn't see my regular vet. We got onto the subject of coconut oil and she said once a week is enough i give my dogs more than this, how much coconut oil do you give your dogs a week
  17. Bizzymammabee

    Yeasty Ears, Itchies and Food Choices

    Ugg so Raven has been having an issue with a yeasty ear off an on for about two months or so now and Ty also has the itchies off and on. They are presently eating Acana Pork and Butter Nut Squash and I also give them a bit of grain free wet Pork. Not sure what to do to help them. They both...
  18. Frith

    Question about allergies and reactions

    So, it's tick season, and we have acres and acres of woods behind our house--so we have ticks. Frith has already been proven sensitive to Nexguard flea and tick, because of that we just tried a Seresto collar--three days and she is wheezing and vomiting. Not good. I have removed the collar...
  19. KimDe

    Dry nose: What should a healthy nose look like?

    Fezzik's nose is very dry and scaly on the top near his snout. I usually put coconut oil on it in the mornings. I am wondering if I should apply it more often or if he is reacting to the coconut oil. I have been using vaseline this week to try and see if there is a change. Could you post...
  20. S


    Hi all. I lost my English bulldog about 2 years ago and have been out of the loop since then. I found a lot of good information on this site before and was hoping for some more advice. I will be getting a puppy again in 2 weeks. Currently, the breeder has the puppy on Blue Chicken and...