
  1. Frith

    Thank you!

    I just want to say thank you to everyone on this board. I joined out of desperation for answers, and found much more than that. You guys have gotten me emotionally through 4 months of Frith's pneumonia. You have helped me ask the right questions--when I learned about the small tracheas here...
  2. Biscuitsmom

    "I want da ball!"

    "I gotted da ball!" She loves the kids light up ball :lol: Side question though... does it look like she has tear stains? Some days it looks like she does and other days it doesn't. I'm giving her Benadryl because her eyes watered more during the allergy season but she has NO signs of other...
  3. helsonwheels

    Bee Sting

    Nyala walks out back door as soon as she walks out bang...... on the lip :w00t: Took the stinger out, gave her one broken up benadryl in yogurt cause not taking any chances. She's laying down and my eyes are on her for next few hours. :yes: I swear no rest with her.
  4. E

    Bad reaction to heartworm preventative

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has had issues with bad reactions to any of the heart-worm monthly preventatives? Per their instructions of their heart-worm protocol, I recently gave my newly adopted SPCA stage-2 heart-worm positive bulldog named Winnie a Tri-heart (Ivermectin) and 2 hours...
  5. KimDe

    Help Needed Itchy Bumps

    Woke up and Fezzik is itching and covered with bumps. The vet isn't open yet so I would love advice. I gave him 1 25mg of Benadryl this morning. The bumps are not red that I can see and are on his back and belly but not the face. His breathing is ok and his face does not appear swollen.
  6. jdeveaux

    Catching up...

    So I've been out of pocket the past couple of weeks but felt I should update everyone on Jupiter and how she is making our life interesting. Left for scout event last weekend and wife calls on Saturday to tell me Jupiter is very sick! (Blowing out from both ends) So pack up and get back to meet...
  7. LeleNY

    Neuter + Infection

    Hey,guys! I just want to share our recently experience with Big so other users can see this post for future references. A week ago, Big had nose discharge for the first time. Next day, he was supposed to be neutered. I trust his vet a lot and during the appointment, she said it was OK to neuter...
  8. Izzy's Mom

    Coughing and hacking

    Hello and happy Monday to all my bulldog lovers! Quick question as I tried to do a little research on the topic and think I may be on the right direction. Izzy caught the kennel cough last week. I saw a posting at her daycare on Monday and Thursday she started coughing and hacking. It's a dry...
  9. B

    Help Needed! Fleas! Need help getting rid of fleas on my Bruno, who is allergic!

    Hi all, let me start off by saying I love this website! All of the wonderful advise I have got from everyone has been a true blessing. A little back history, we live in Florida. I have a one year old EBD named Bruno ( the love of my life outside of my 2 human children and my hubby). We got...
  10. Petra

    Hives! Please calm my nerves a little...

    This morning Boeboe's back broke out with hives, she weighs 65 pounds so I gave her 2 x 25 mg Benadryl that I got from Cheryl, thanks again:). I have no clue why this happened now:( I did give her some meat with her food this morning... but she's had that millions of times before... Maybe it's a...
  11. TyTysmom

    Swollen Paw

    So Friday afternoon my husband was walking Tyson - he said he was peeing by a bush, then suddenly jumped, sat on his behind and started scratching. He said he got right up but then started limping a bit on his front right paw. He checked to see if he had gotten into any ant piles, had something...
  12. Deanna1489

    Eye Issues

    I need advice because I am frantic. Over a week ago I took my bully Otis to the vet because his eye was very swollen, he was squinting and pawing at it. The vet said it was border line entropion and sent me home with some drops to see if it helped. I will have to admit that putting the drops in...
  13. JMUdukedog

    EB Allergies - we've tried Fromm and Orijen, is it safe to try the Iams prescribed by the vet?

    Hello Everyone, I have been reading through many of the posts on nutrition, allergies, bulldog care, and training. I absolutely love how sweet and helpful everyone is on this forum. You have a wonderful community! I have a 14 month old EB, Jameson, who has been dealing with allergies (the...
  14. S

    Help Needed! Coughing and gagging

    Hi bully lovers. I have a very special bully Rubysue. Reason she is so special is because she 11.5 years young. Hard to believe I know. She loves visiting the vets office it is social hour for her. Several things though she gets so excited that her gums and ears turn red and her heart rate...
  15. JennieS

    General Question Possible Hot Spot?

    Last week, i had to get Ruthie and Brutus Fromm's game bird recipe food since the store was out of the beef fritatta I normally feed them. Well this week Ruthie has been itching the crap out of her face. Today, she was bleeding from it. I cleaned it up, put on some vertrycin and gave her a...
  16. J

    Itch attack

    Roxy has recently( within the last 7 days) become very itchy. We just returned from visiting my parents and I can only assume something has irritated her. She uses hypoallergenic shampoo along with medicated shampoo and already takes benadryl twice daily for allergies. She is rubbing and...
  17. V

    Help Needed! Harley is Sneezing and Reverse Sneezing a lot!! Any Ideas. possibe allegies?

    Hello All, My 6 yr old EBD Harley is/was sneezing constantly and reverse sneezing a lot. She doesn't do it when sleeping or lying down with us. She is lethargic around the house and is sleeping more than usual. She seems a little out of sorts. She is not playing with my other EBD at all, like...
  18. S

    Hi my name is Bruno

    Hi, we are new in this blog and new with the english bulldogs breed. Bruno is 3 months old, and has a big sister named Lola the beagle, and she is 3 years old. Before Bruno Lola had a sister named Frida the Akita, but she passed away about a month ago. Bruno came to our lives when we needed the...
  19. A

    Moderate to severe allergies my 2 year bully need some advice please

    My bully is 2 years old and yesterday we noticed signs of itching and hives. It has been progressively getting worse. We have been accustomed to these reactions and usually treat her with Benadryl 25mg tabs which usually clear it up. We took her to a pet hospital today, and they ended up...
  20. Boudreau

    Allergies and yeast all over

    I have often come to this website for advice but this past year's health problems have made me join up so I can post! My husband and I got our dog Boudreau from a breeder when he was two years old, he is now five and up until November 2014 was in perfect health. I would read all the bulldog...