Bilateral Hip Dysplasia


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Aug 1, 2016
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On top of food allergies were dealing with bilateral hip dysplasia. Tikka became lethargic and we brought her to the vet. The doctor was unsure whether Tikka had a stomach issue or spinal issue. The doctor did xrays and he let us know of Tikkas hips. The doctor said she's most likely in pain and perscribed her tramadol and gabapentin. The doctor instructed no more stairs for Tikka. Tikka seemed to be getting better and she didn't seem like she was in pain at all. Then we were helping my brother move from his basement suite and Tikka unknowingly went up the stairs. Now she is in pain again. Last month Tikka was playful, going up and down stairs and now her playfulness has diminshed drastically. We were hoping medication would only be temporary. Is hip dysplasia a common condition amonst bullys and if so, are alot on medication? You advice and shared input would be greatly appreciated.

Opie CHL

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Dec 4, 2012
Patchogue, NY
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Chumley and Hershey
On top of food allergies were dealing with bilateral hip dysplasia. Tikka became lethargic and we brought her to the vet. The doctor was unsure whether Tikka had a stomach issue or spinal issue. The doctor did xrays and he let us know of Tikkas hips. The doctor said she's most likely in pain and perscribed her tramadol and gabapentin. The doctor instructed no more stairs for Tikka. Tikka seemed to be getting better and she didn't seem like she was in pain at all. Then we were helping my brother move from his basement suite and Tikka unknowingly went up the stairs. Now she is in pain again. Last month Tikka was playful, going up and down stairs and now her playfulness has diminshed drastically. We were hoping medication would only be temporary. Is hip dysplasia a common condition amonst bullys and if so, are alot on medication? You advice and shared input would be greatly appreciated.

chumley had several issues recently...first sudden lameness and then a grand mal seizure...when he sudden,y couldn't walk I had him x rayed and they found nothing broken and diagnosed it as muscle strain or pulled,ligaments. The X-ray did show severe hip dysplasia on one side and moderate on the other..Somehow they were able to say that it wasn't wh at was causing the inability to walk at the time. It's now 3 months later and he has several other issues that have taken priority but he's walking fine again and with no limp. As far as the dysplasia if it's there it's not causing any problems right now. I'm imagining he'll be on medication for it as time passes. How old is Tikka? Chumley going to be 6 in November.


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Tikka is only 10 months :( We just came home and Tikka couldn't walk and she was making obvious sounds she was in pain. Tikka would stand up, take a few steps and fall and would make a sound like she was in severe pain (not yelping). My husband rushed to get her medication. The meds kicked in and shes up moving around now. We feel like our puppy is an old lady with all the problems shes having.


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Jan 12, 2012
New York City
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Raven (2011-2016), Tyson (2014-2023) & Bella
Really sorry to hear about Tikka's issues. Tyson has some hip issues, for now he gets some joint meds and the vet said to not let him jump and try to keep him at a healthy weight. Praying for Tikka.

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I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
On top of food allergies were dealing with bilateral hip dysplasia. Tikka became lethargic and we brought her to the vet. The doctor was unsure whether Tikka had a stomach issue or spinal issue. The doctor did xrays and he let us know of Tikkas hips. The doctor said she's most likely in pain and perscribed her tramadol and gabapentin. The doctor instructed no more stairs for Tikka. Tikka seemed to be getting better and she didn't seem like she was in pain at all. Then we were helping my brother move from his basement suite and Tikka unknowingly went up the stairs. Now she is in pain again. Last month Tikka was playful, going up and down stairs and now her playfulness has diminshed drastically. We were hoping medication would only be temporary. Is hip dysplasia a common condition amonst bullys and if so, are alot on medication? You advice and shared input would be greatly appreciated.

yes, hip dysplasia is actually very common in many breeds (bulldog, GSD, labs, etc). Our girl, Banks was diagnosed with it at around 8 months old... she lived a very full life till the age of 9. She was also on gabapentin and tramadol along with Deramaxx and laser therapy. The laser was the greatest thing for her (along with meds) it was a noticeable difference when she was due for her session. Banks had bad hips and arthritis in her spine, but the meds and laser made for her to be able to continue having a full life.

Ask you vet about the laser... it is well worth it


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Thank you all for the advice. Tikka has been allowed no stairs. We came to a place where there is only 6 stairs but Tikka's stubborness kicks in and she does not wait for me to pick her up. I'm deeply regretting having taken her with us to help my brother move. She was completely fine before that. Tikka's vet said he is going to refer us to a University where they will determine if Tikka needs surgery or not. Has anyone gone through hip dysplasia surgey on their bully?


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At least in Finland there is degrees of hip dysplasia. A is normal and from there it's B, C, D and E. E can be almost out of socket. A lot of bullies have E hips, but they do well since they have a lot of muscle. A lot have problems too. Salmon oil, joint supplements and pain killers when needed are in order. Limit the exercise when it's bad for a while and no stairs or hoping on and of furniture. Keeping my fingers crossed!


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Took Tikka for laser therapy and saw improvements right away. She still goes through pain with her right leg, even though it is suppose to be the left that is worse. We are going to see a specialist on Tuesday and I will keep everyone updated. Can anyone recommend a high quality joint supplement? We have had issues with allergies and hoping we can find a supplement that won't cause any reaction.


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
Took Tikka for laser therapy and saw improvements right away. She still goes through pain with her right leg, even though it is suppose to be the left that is worse. We are going to see a specialist on Tuesday and I will keep everyone updated. Can anyone recommend a high quality joint supplement? We have had issues with allergies and hoping we can find a supplement that won't cause any reaction.

We have had Tyson on Dasuquin with MSM, he's done SO good on it. This is the one I've found with the highest amounts of MSM & Glucosamine. It's pricey BUT boy does it really help our Tyson with his arthritis. We do this, plus laser therapy & Rimadyl. Here's a pic.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
Did you check with the breeder see if others in litter has same issues? Tikka is the same age as Nyala very active too. Hard to keep them calm at that age.


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Hi everyone. Well me and Tikka have been throug a lot. First we were sent to a specialist that was 6 hours away in another province. We arrive there and they told me that we needed to see a surgeon regarding the hip dysphasia. But unfortunately they only had one surgeon and she was swamped with appointments. So then we were referred to another specialist that is 5 hours from home. We make it there and the doctor can't seem to figure out why Tikka is dragging her back end. He speculates it's her knees. He recommends her knees get scoped and if they are the problem to have surgery on them. He scoped her knees and says they are "beautiful". He then tell us that we will be referred to a surgeon who specializes in hip replacements in a city that's two hours from home. We leave Edmonton with no answers and I feel these trips were for nothing. But I guess her knees have been ruled out as a possible problem. That Doctor prescribes Tikka on Metacam for 14 days. On the way home we stop by the breeder and talk with her. She says she has not heard from anyone else from Tiks litter. She says she does not recommend surgery for a hip replacement. We get home and a few days later Tikka quits dragging her back end. She's been doing quite well and I'm wondering if she had an injury that was making her drag her back end. We have 4 more days on the Metacam and I'm praying she is fine after the last day on the medication. Yesterday the doctor who did the knee scope said he has been in contact with the the doctor who specializes in hip replacement and that Doctor said hip replacements is rarely done on bulldogs because of their anatomy. So therefore she will not be getting the hip replacement surgery. I let the doctor know of Tikkas improvement and he said to monitor her after the Metacam is done with and if she ends up displaying the same behaviour to call him and he will schedule and MRI. Ugh I feel like I have been all over the place and have really gotten no answer for why she may have been dragging her back end. I do feel like she may have been injured but I am trying not to get my hopes up that she is completely better in case she goes back to doing the same thing after the Metacam is done with. That was our month of August! Hoping this improvement continues for Tikka. She has been more lively and even jumped on the couch twice (even though she is not allowed!). She also ran away from me and went down a flight of stairs (again even though she's not allowed). Her playfulness has returned and her behaviour is the same as before she got possibly injured. Breeder told me to get her some glucosamine and shark cartilage for her joints. She's also still on the gabapentin and tramadol. Hoping my bully has taken a turn for the better!


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Hi everyone. Well me and Tikka have been throug a lot. First we were sent to a specialist that was 6 hours away in another province. We arrive there and they told me that we needed to see a surgeon regarding the hip dysphasia. But unfortunately they only had one surgeon and she was swamped with appointments. So then we were referred to another specialist that is 5 hours from home. We make it there and the doctor can't seem to figure out why Tikka is dragging her back end. He speculates it's her knees. He recommends her knees get scoped and if they are the problem to have surgery on them. He scoped her knees and says they are "beautiful". He then tell us that we will be referred to a surgeon who specializes in hip replacements in a city that's two hours from home. We leave Edmonton with no answers and I feel these trips were for nothing. But I guess her knees have been ruled out as a possible problem. That Doctor prescribes Tikka on Metacam for 14 days. On the way home we stop by the breeder and talk with her. She says she has not heard from anyone else from Tiks litter. She says she does not recommend surgery for a hip replacement. We get home and a few days later Tikka quits dragging her back end. She's been doing quite well and I'm wondering if she had an injury that was making her drag her back end. We have 4 more days on the Metacam and I'm praying she is fine after the last day on the medication. Yesterday the doctor who did the knee scope said he has been in contact with the the doctor who specializes in hip replacement and that Doctor said hip replacements is rarely done on bulldogs because of their anatomy. So therefore she will not be getting the hip replacement surgery. I let the doctor know of Tikkas improvement and he said to monitor her after the Metacam is done with and if she ends up displaying the same behaviour to call him and he will schedule and MRI. Ugh I feel like I have been all over the place and have really gotten no answer for why she may have been dragging her back end. I do feel like she may have been injured but I am trying not to get my hopes up that she is completely better in case she goes back to doing the same thing after the Metacam is done with. That was our month of August! Hoping this improvement continues for Tikka. She has been more lively and even jumped on the couch twice (even though she is not allowed!). She also ran away from me and went down a flight of stairs (again even though she's not allowed). Her playfulness has returned and her behaviour is the same as before she got possibly injured. Breeder told me to get her some glucosamine and shark cartilage for her joints. She's also still on the gabapentin and tramadol. Hoping my bully has taken a turn for the better!

What a month!!! please keep us posted and I'll be sending lots of positive thoughts to you and your baby!

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