New England Meet Up?


New member
Mar 18, 2016
Worcester, Mass
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey everyone

I'm looking to see what we have for members from mass, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, maybe even some Vermont and Maine members to do a meet up. Anyone interested? or at least get a roll call going

I am Worcester Mass
I'm up for it. It depends on if the others are comfortable with an intact male. I have tagged Laurie on the thread. I'm near Worcester, MA also.
It sounds like great fun, but Frith still has pneumonia and can not travel. I want you to post pictures though.
I'm in Troy NY only a couple hours away, Murray and I would love to be part of a meet up!!
i'm in boston, soon to adopt a rescue but after she settles in, we might join!
It sounds like great fun, but Frith still has pneumonia and can not travel. I want you to post pictures though.

Sorry about the sickness hope Frith gets better but we will have to see what we get for interest and set a date so hopefully Frith will be better by then
I'm in Boston and am interested in a meet up!

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Awesome Guys.. I also meet a few people at another meet up that i am sure would be interested to bring there bullies along.

Now the hard part trying to find a good centralized location to all interested, Any ideas throw them up otherwise ill do some research and find something in the next few days
So glad I got a chance to hop on here this evening, I have been up to my neck in concerts, field trips, appointments etc…and haven't been on here in soooo long!!
I would LOVE to do a meet up!! Let's set it up :2thumbs:
awesome guys I am in process of trying to find a good location

one place i can think of that is big enough to house all of us is Quinsigamond state park in Worcester a lot of walking and space. But was thinking maybe somewhere the can also get wet?
Hi Guys and Gals,

Just to get this thing fired back up now that the busy weekend is over. I would like to plan something on Sunday June 12 or June 26 figured skip trying June 12th seeing thats fathers day. So which day would work better for everyone? Also thinking early Am Or early evening so its not to hot. So doing my homework the only real off leash dog parks are out towards Boston which i'm fine traveling to but want to make this best for everyone.

tufts in Grafton does have a big fenced off 5 acre field we could use but everyone would have to pre register with them

Quinsigamond State Park has a great walking area with big open spaces but does get very busy

there is a rail trail in West Boylston that KimDe had mentioned to me before

So please any ideas would be great

please let me know

If There is a good place by you throw it out there it may be our best bet
Hopkinton State Park isn't bad. You do pay for parking, but it seems closer between some of the peoples here. I'm not sure about large areas, but there is a small beach and it should be very shaded. There should also be bathroom facilities.

I've only gone kayaking there.

Plaistow NH, 40 mins from Worcester...
What about HAMPTON BEACH?? For a meet??? Yea forget it too hot no shade...