Doggy doors!?

Rebecca Giardina

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Aug 7, 2015
United States
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I can not, for the life of me, figure out the correct dog door size!! The ones at petsmart state a 9in width for a large...Everybody said it'd work, but Gus is 12/13in wide! We have an XL patio door currently and he has around 3in clearance on the sides! We also have a Boxer, but she is very small, not much taller then the bulldog! This is the first time buying a wall mount dog door - what size/brand would you suggest? Affordability is a plus!


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Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
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My opinion only... There is no way I would have one with a bulldog. Chumly would have gone outside and sunbathed himself to death and I am not exaggerating. Monty isn't much better. There is also the problem of theft. There have been 3 reports here that I know of in the past month of bulldogs being stolen out of the garden. Not risks I would be willing to take.


Mar 5, 2016
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Vader and Reya
This-----> "My opinion only... There is no way I would have one with a bulldog. Chumly would have gone outside and sunbathed himself to death and I am not exaggerating. Monty isn't much better. There is also the problem of theft. There have been 3 reports here that I know of in the past month of bulldogs being stolen out of the garden. Not risks I would be willing to take."


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
I can not, for the life of me, figure out the correct dog door size!! The ones at petsmart state a 9in width for a large...Everybody said it'd work, but Gus is 12/13in wide! We have an XL patio door currently and he has around 3in clearance on the sides! We also have a Boxer, but she is very small, not much taller then the bulldog! This is the first time buying a wall mount dog door - what size/brand would you suggest? Affordability is a plus!

Are you looking to use this door only when home and you are able to supervise? as mentioned... sunbathing/overheating and theft are real concerns.

We have a doggie door that is only open when we are home with them and it also only provides access to the deck with the gat on the stairs locked so they can not go to the yard without us knowing it. We still monitor their time on the deck and close the door if it is too hot/humid or the sun is covering the whole space. Our Frenchie (cheli) is great at self regulation... Lambeau, not so much.

All that said... I have a large one installed it is the type you 'add' to the sliding glass doors.

Rebecca Giardina

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Aug 7, 2015
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Yes - Only when home. We currently have the net patio door (bug door?) with a dog door and have to have the sliding door wide open for them to use it - and our AC is through the room (South California!) We looked at the patio doors but sadly, it will make our door entrance too narrow. Do you have the door dimensions for yours?


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Aug 9, 2012
Long Beach, CA
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We use a doggy door for Koozer. It leads to a side dog run for him, which have locked gates so nobody can enter. I loooooove having the dog door. Plus, you can always put the "door" in it, the close it off if you need to. Ours is about 10" x 19" (somewhere in that range). Koozer is 60lbs...not wide but tall

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