new member

  1. J

    Appreciate any insights!!

    hello everyone, I'm a new dog owner and joining here somewhat helps me with my dog, he's George. just wanted to ask for insights and answers for a quite few things. what do you guys think is the best training approach for an English Bulldog, considering their unique temperament and personality...
  2. GertieTerdz

    Hello! New member!

    Hi! I just joined this forum! I want to introduce my bulldog Gertie! She was a rescue and we got her from a friend who fosters dogs like her. She has been with us for over a year. We think she is around 8 years old. Gertie is a professional ball chaser She is very lovey with humans but she isn't...
  3. Dakotarosekennels

    Hello! New member - Question On face wrinkles-sharing my famous CANINE CALM essential oil blend/howtoCOLLAR PENDANTS

    Hello everyone! I joined to seek answers for a friend who owns an EB about her dogā€™s facial wrinkle woes and I see this page is such a friendly wealth of info far beyond that and couldnā€™t resist! So here I am. I have two Frenchies CLU and TRIP Whom I show and love too obviously lol! I also have...
  4. radbulldog

    New Guy. New found love for Bulldogs (Need Enlightenment)

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, fell in love with Bulldogs late last year and seeking more info before getting one and look forward to hearing, sharing and learning. Don't hold back please share the, good, bad and not so good. I can it. Thanks and Happy New Year everyone.
  5. J

    New to the site....

    Hello, My name is Jessica and I am from Ontario Canada. I have 2 English Bulldogs, Zoey a female who is almost 2 & Joey a male who is 5 months. Every time I was googling my questions this website would pop up, So I decided to join as you look like a great bunch of people!! Can't wait to get...
  6. candysanchez

    New member - Hi everyone!

    I'm so excited to make some bulldog lover friends! I have been on EBN at least weekly for the past year for all of your invaluable advice since I adopted by baby Penny :) Finally singed up so I can say THANK YOU to everyone on here for educating me over the past year and make some friends! When...