hip dysplasia

  1. B

    ADVICE NEEDED - 6mo Old EB Puppy - can no longer walk

    Hello All Bulldog Lovers - I recently got an EB puppy.. She is 6 months old and was full of life until, Wednesday 3/16/2022. She threw up around noon and was acting very funny, frozen in her stance, walking slowly, could tell she was in pain and was having trouble breathing. I gave her water and...
  2. E

    Help Needed! Hip dysplasia with luxation - FHO vs THR

    Hi everyone. We are longtime readers of this thread, and we thank you for all of your helpful advice. We have a 10 month old bulldog, who unfortunately after she was spayed had hip luxation (out of socket) on both sides. We absolutely do not blame our vet. On the X-ray there are signs of...
  3. E

    Help Needed! Hip dysplasia with luxation - FHO versus THR

    Hi everyone. We are longtime readers of this thread, and we thank you for all of your helpful advice. We have a 10 month old bulldog, who unfortunately after she was spayed had hip luxation (out of socket) on both sides. We absolutely do not blame our vet. On the X-ray there are signs of...
  4. S

    EBD Puppy - Hip Dysplasia Surgery?

    Hi all- Been lurking around here for a few months for general advice on the breed... Unfortunately, per some recent x ray results, my little guy has pretty bad hip dysplasia on both sides. I brought him in because he sways a lot when he walks... also, after playing at the dog park the other...
  5. N

    My dog is limping... help?

    I just signed up for this Forum today, so I may not be posting this in the right place, but was hoping someone could help me. I have an English Bulldog that started limping last night when I went to let him out. He tore his ACL a year ago, and had surgery and has been fine ever since. He is 3...
  6. OpieRay

    So we had Xrays

    Hello bulldog community! Here is a quick update: Opie is 11 months old. Since he was about 6 months old we noticed his hips would pop everytime he took a step. We couldn't hear them, but we could feel them. We have had him on glucosamine since. We took him to the vet at 8 months and had the...