
  1. MaddieRM

    Peeing in strange places repeatedly?!

    Hello, me again! My completely (or so I thought), housetrained dog has peed on my bed 3 times since I got her. It all seems like it is for no reason. I'm wondering if she smells my old dog or cats on it. I just got a new mattress so we will see how that goes! And now recently she's been peeing...
  2. MaddieRM

    Suddenly Scared?!

    Hi, new here! I adopted a 3 year old rescue 9 months ago and so far she has been Perfect. She is a bit timid and scared of loud noises but other than that she is a dream. However, the last week or two have been he trying to get her to go for a walk outside our apartment. The apartment complex I...
  3. C

    Neutering questions - 2 years old

    Today we took Colonel to the dog park, to play with all of my co-workers and their dogs, for his Birthday Pawty. Colonel had never met these other dogs. Here's the break down of "friend" dogs: Drake, yellow lab. Thor, black lab. Harley, Aussie mix. Corbett, Sherperd Mix. Rory, Sherpard Mix...