Hey everyone,
I'm back with some new Bulldog comics! Check it out. :D
You can follow Bulldog Diaries on Facebook, Instagram and on the official website.
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On Tumblr: Bulldog Diaries : Photo
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bulldogdiaries
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Please share on your social networks if you like! :-D
Hey everyone, new comic strip for Bulldog Diaries! You have to admit... They DO have SOME similarities...
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Hi everyone,
You might have seen my introductory thread with Stella, I'll post my comics in this thread starting... Now! If you like the comics, I invite you like the Facebook page (www.fb.com/bulldogdiaries) and the Tumblr page (Bulldog Diaries), and share it with your friends. :-)
Strip #12...
Hi everyone,
I presented myself earlier in the Introduction forums, now I'm showing you some Stella pics. She's amazing!
When she was a puppy...
Cheering for our hockey team!
She's always making that face.
90's album cover fish-eye stylin!
Check out my webcomic featuring...
Hi mates,
I'm Colin, from Montreal Canada, and I own a two years old bulldog called Stella. Here's a portrait of myself and Stella.
She's a doll, and I love her very much. So much in fact, that I created a webcomic in her honour. Fellow bulldog owners, I'm sure you'll see your own bulldog in...