
  1. ddnene

    Happy Birthday to Rosalie and Todd!!!

    Everybody please join me in wishing two of our mods... Rosalie and Todd a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! Rosalie and Todd have been on EBN for as long as I have been on here, and we are very blessed to have them. They are two of the nicest people, always offering advice and help to our members...
  2. KristaB026

    Favorite Photo Bentley has a New Toy

    You all asked for it. I bought this for him a few weeks ago. Bentley loves stuffed animals but he is so hard on them. It's from Gordmans, and it had a tough rating so I thought I would give it a try.....not so tough. But I did get this laugh out loud sweet picture of my boy. I had to get my...
  3. agingermom

    My new Granddaughter

    Introducing my new grandaughter (my first biological one!!), Miss Ailyn Marie. She was born on Dec 12 after giving her mom hell!! She was 7 lbs 8 0z and 20 inches long. My son is still in Army bootcamp so missed her birth but will be home on Thursday to enjoy her company for 2 weeks!!