Lets go Clemson!!

Chunky White

Chunky White

Chunky's Chauffeur
Aug 13, 2015
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Chunky White
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Great minds... :think:

The DVR for me is the best thing since I dunno, High ABV Beer :beer:

I tried a Dog Fish Head 120min IPA (15-20% ABV) a few years back and it was lethal. One beer and I had to sit for a while before I could drive home and was glad I had food coming and a TV to watch. I talked the bar owner down from $25 to $20 and he threw in some wings. They only had 3 cases of it and weren't getting anymore for a while and when I ordered one and the guys down from me heard what the alcohol content was they ordered some at full price. Before I quit drinking I was getting into IPA's and other craft brews.
May 6, 2016
Near the Saltwater, NC
United States
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Dogfish Head Brewery turns out excellent beers; their all natural Brats are great to throw on the grill too if you can find them, Harris Teeter carries them around here. I am from a predominantly German background and a Hophead so I love my strong Ales and IPA's although I appreciate all varieties of beer, especially through the year and temperature changes. Hefeweizens give me a weird headache though, so I stay away from those.

Coffee Milk Stout with anything warm and Cinnamon or Chocolate when I have a sweet tooth :yes:

I have to watch my sodium because of an autoimmune disease and make up for that with spice, mostly heat. I'll go for any kind of hot and spicy, flavorful food. Probably should give my Liver a break too, but I don't feel great because of some chronic symptoms and don't eat much when I go through those stretches.

When I do get back to my "normal" I always have a wish list of food and beer pairings; my GP, ENT Doctor and Neurologist keep a good eye on me though :rules:
Chunky White

Chunky White

Chunky's Chauffeur
Aug 13, 2015
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Chunky White
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I cannot remember what all I have tried since one of the ABC stores close to where I lived in Miami had a huge selection and would let you create your own six packs. My go to beers were Dos Equis and I would switch from amber to lager depending on what I was eating with it or the mood. I never drank beer warm either

I will have to look around for Dog Fish Head Brats. I have never seen them before


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Apr 18, 2014
Somewhere in the Universe. Really Maryland.
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Cooper, Jewel (April 27, 2013-May 7, 2022-RIPDaddy's Girl) and (Bentley Oct 2013-Dec 2021)
I should of DVR'd the game so I could watch the 2nd half. Clemson came out ready to play in the second half, kept possession of the ball and wore Bama's defense out. I hate i missed it

Actually, the first half was not all that bad. What I dislike is some of the intentional crap the players pull to hurt one another. I believe players think they are invincible in the uniforms of today. Put them in uniforms of yester-year and I think it would be a different game.

We will be watching the second half tonight.

Yes I am up at 0400 and usually in the sack by 2130. When I get home Jewel and Bentley are in perpetual play mode just like two kids. Its a hoot.

Jewel and Bentley sent their regards to C-dub-ya.
May 6, 2016
Near the Saltwater, NC
United States
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Roger, I agree about some of those intentional hits aimed at the head or the knees and below. They have taken steps in the College game to strongly deter targeting, now it's just up to the Coaches to teach proper tackling technique and the Refs to call it correctly.

I've had 4 knee surgeries between both (2 when I was young and playing Bball, 2 more recently to fix damage and bring relief) and been through lots of PT and Rehab; so those shots to the knees make me cringe, one surgery actually saved me from having a replacement on my right side. I found a very good Ortho. Surgeon and let him fix and clean up my left a year later and they feel great except when damp/wet and cold outside, I think that just comes as part of the package.
Chunky White

Chunky White

Chunky's Chauffeur
Aug 13, 2015
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Chunky White
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Roger, I agree about some of those intentional hits aimed at the head or the knees and below. They have taken steps in the College game to strongly deter targeting, now it's just up to the Coaches to teach proper tackling technique and the Refs to call it correctly.

I've had 4 knee surgeries between both (2 when I was young and playing Bball, 2 more recently to fix damage and bring relief) and been through lots of PT and Rehab; so those shots to the knees make me cringe, one surgery actually saved me from having a replacement on my right side. I found a very good Ortho. Surgeon and let him fix and clean up my left a year later and they feel great except when damp/wet and cold outside, I think that just comes as part of the package.

I haven't been hurt enough to need surgery but shoulders, hands, knees and one ankle hurt from time to time from all the years of sports, biking, and skateboarding when i was younger. 18 years of industrial construction hasnt helped either. And now I beat myself up mtn biking when its warm because i like the rush of going down hill and obstacles and hate going to the gym.

I got hurt more in practice than I did in games playing football and baseball. Two concussions, hyper extended knee, and broken fingers and nose