
  1. MaddieRM

    Peeing in strange places repeatedly?!

    Hello, me again! My completely (or so I thought), housetrained dog has peed on my bed 3 times since I got her. It all seems like it is for no reason. I'm wondering if she smells my old dog or cats on it. I just got a new mattress so we will see how that goes! And now recently she's been peeing...
  2. B

    ADVICE NEEDED - 6mo Old EB Puppy - can no longer walk

    Hello All Bulldog Lovers - I recently got an EB puppy.. She is 6 months old and was full of life until, Wednesday 3/16/2022. She threw up around noon and was acting very funny, frozen in her stance, walking slowly, could tell she was in pain and was having trouble breathing. I gave her water and...
  3. Squash

    Help Needed! Sudden limping? No signs of cause!

    My 3yo EBD, Squash, woke up 5 days ago and couldnā€™t get out of bed. We later realized it was because he couldnā€™t put pressure on his back left leg though he hasnā€™t shown any signs of pain. We immediately ran him to the vet. They took X-rays, blood tests, tick and heart disease tests. All came...
  4. babytrappy

    Help Needed! Redness appearing all around my English Bulldog

    Hello! I am new here. Iā€™m glad this exist because Iā€™be found great answers and advices here. I actually found out about Taste of The Wild in a discussion here. The orange TOTW bag is what Iā€™ve been feeding my baby. He is an English Bulldog of 8 months now. He has been really good with that food...