
Staff member
Nov 20, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names

Eight-year-old Chuck was given to a family that gave him to another family that gave him to another family…. and THEN, he was finally rescued by a nice woman who runs a small rescue out of her home. However, she quickly realized that Chuck was very sick, suffering from either heartworms or congenital heart failure.The Bulldog rescue group closest to her was full and couldn’t help, so she contacted Lone Star Bulldog Club Rescue. Our volunteer Darren hopped in the car and drove 3 ½ hours each way to bring Chuck back to the DFW area and get him the medical care he desperately needed. As it turns out, Chuck has a severe case of pneumonia, but is improving daily under the excellent care of Bright Star Veterinary Clinic.
2/26/18 Update: Although we have had Chuck for only a few days now, we can already see the light returning to his eyes. He might still have a ways to go until he is feeling better, but we can already see a difference. He is starting to eat better, and actually gets excited for his food. When we picked up Chuck from boarding, they reported he had not been eating so well. He is now clearing his bowl. He is also coming out of his room more, and follows you from room to room. He does have a limp on his front leg, so he is a little slower than most. But that doesn’t stop him from coming to the room you are in and flopping down next to you. He is so sweet, and wants constant attention. We will keep the breathing treatments up until his lungs have been cleared of the pneumonia. Until then, he will be Foster Mom’s shadow, and we will keep him happy and comfortable.
3/4/18 Update: It is a very lazy day at Chuck’s foster home. We all got up, ate breakfast, and are now watching TV and catching up on some much-needed rest. You guys see that position Chuck is laying in? On his side! When this boy first came to our house, he could only lay on his tummy and even then struggled to breathe. We have successfully made it to him laying comfortably on his side with no issues breathing. This Foster Mom is so proud of how far this boy has come. Though he might not be ever get back to being 100%, he has come such a long way. Chuck is a very sweet funny guy. We first thought he was deaf after a few days of him being here. We were very sad for him, and had a little pitty party. The next day, he was snoozing in the kitchen, and I opened the fridge door, and he popped up so fast! Boy, did we laugh, and we realized he is very motivated with food. But let’s be real, who isn’t? He will do anything for some turkey or cheese. He is doing well with his breathing treatments, and we will continue those for a while. He is a very loving boy, who just wants to be in whatever room you are in. We love him, and hope someone will see the boy we see and love him for being him. Have a great Sunday, everyone!
3/8/18 Update: Oh, Chuck, Chuck… you better get off of that couch before the mini human gets home and sees you!
I have learned a lot about Chuck this week. First of all, he hates to be left alone. He will try to find any way possible to make it to where you are and stand right on your feet. No kennel or gate keeps Chuck from making the great escape. Secondly, he loves the mini human because the dude has some pretty awesome snacks. He also has some pretty awesome toys and things that Chuck thinks are his, as well. He shares snacks,so why not his belongings? Good luck with that thinking, Chuck. Chuck also does not like kibble. He prefers Honest Kitchen Food, which he will devour. When he first came to our home, he wouldn’t eat. We thought, well, maybe he is too sick to eat. I gave him a few bites just to get something on his tummy, and he has never looked back. Picky little dude! But foster mom gives him what he wants, and I hope that the couch and food makes him happy.
3/10/18 Update: Foster Mom, the mini human and I have been outside playing. Well, honestly, I just sit, watch and lay on their masterpieces.
3/20/18 Update: Chuck had a good week. He has learned the mini human always has some tasty snacks, foster mom has good snacks in the kitchen, and sleeping in the living room on mini human’s couch is top notch. Chuck really hates his kennel, so we try to keep him out as much as possible. We have had some potty issues, but some positive changes are taking place for the sweet guy. He is a very sweet, well behaved guy. He loves the mini human, and he soaks up all the attention he can get. His breathing troubles are pretty much by the way side and he is making a very good recovery. We are very proud of his progress and are happy he is on the mend.
3/29/18 Update: Chuck has had a good week. Today was bath day, and let’s just say those days are not his favorite. He runs and hides and makes every attempt possible to not go in the bath. He is a very smart guy, and decides when he wants to do something. He is becoming more active, and will play more and will do a dance when you come in the door. He also has his “Sheldon” spot in front of the fire place. It cracks me up, he runs to it like someone is going to take it. He makes us smile, and laugh a lot. We are still working on potty training. Like I said earlier, he decides when and where he will go. We love him and hope someone finds him as sweet and funny as we do.
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